I really don't like the way you acquire recipes right now. I'll explain:
If someone who's used to always adventuring past Emberlight wants a new high-level weapon or armor, they'll need to go back to haven and buy a one- or two-star piece of equipment. This is not a problem because getting back to Haven is easy and the items are cheap.
The real problem is getting the recipes for the intermediate items. Currently the only way to get them is to adventure to a Clockworks Terminal halfway between towns and buy them from Basil. For someone who already has high-level gear, this is a real chore because the enemies are so weak and the payouts are miniscule. Not to mention it's a huge waste of energy for almost no payout, and since the vendor inventory is random, there's a good chance the recipe you're looking for won't even be there.
On levels anywhere above Emberlight, I just run past all the enemies because they drop so little I find it's not even worth the time it takes to kill them.
It just occured to me that if people who were newer to the game would buy up extra recipes and then sell to the veterans it would work out for the better of all, but sadly, this doesn't happen.
Probably the devs will create some way for people to have a shop ingame, and the recipe problems will end.