Collective, a rarely spotted guild comprising of approx 40 members,strictly comprising of 4-5 star players is looking for T2 and T3 lockdown players. I will hold many lockdown tournaments and events with great prizes. If you are interousted please mail me or Hyperionclass and You will receive an invite. If you have any questions or doubts then please do mail me.
1) No standing around and waiting for the team to win.
2) Don't boast about yourself
3) Don't be a jerk or anything of the sort.
4) *Never give up, never surrender,never lose hope, never be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna fall flat on your face!*
The Collective Lockdown Captain
Guild The Collective Is Looking For Lockdown Players

Hi there. You have been selected and your skills are of interoust. You will recieve a guild invite from our GM, Hyperionclass. If you do not please do mail him or inform us.
Thank You
The Collective Lockdown Captain

Careful! Lockdown guilds barely survive!
I applied for this guild 3 days ago and I still have not recieved an invite from Hyperionclass. Maybe you can invite me? He also said that I should not be in this guild because the Time Zones is different from eachother. :/

@Kenshi or you could just join Ominous if they wont let you in?

A little bit brazen there, aren't ya Night-Rove?
I do not want to offend you or anything but the last time I was in Omnious, it was boring and nobody ever is online. I am currently in a alright guild ATM but I do not want to risk leaving it and then leaving yours aswell. :/

I dont hink I have ever seen your name in Ominous before...But if you say so I wont force the offer.
Though you wouldnt mind if you gave me you ign would you?

Night, gotta be honest here, I can't really think of a worse advertisement for your guild then to try to recruit people away from someone else's recruitment thread.

I know that what I did was a bad thing Narfle you dont have to tell me I did wrong -.- (no offense)
(Ive already been warned by hollows, And his been rejected)
I know I have been in your guild at one point. IGN: Il-Kenshi-Il
IGN: Il-Kenshi-Il
I am 3/4* Knight(Rank) that would like to join this guild. I have read the guild wiki page and am interested in joining this guild. I have good UVs on my gear and I personally think I'm good at tier 2 lockdown. I have:
(3*) Dusker Cap w/ Piercing High UV
(3*) Dusker Coat w/ Piercing High UV
(3*) Swift Flourish w/ Attack Speed Increase Medium UV
(3*) Swiftstriker Buckler
(4*) Cryo Driver
(4*) Silent Nightblade w/ Charge Time Reduction Medium UV
Highest Tier 2 Lockdown Damage: 13k
Highest Tier 3 Lockdown Damage: 17k
I am very active on weekdays and weekends as I play Spiral Knights about 1-2 hours a day and do about 2JK runs per day (I can solo) I also play lockdown frequently.