Please help i want to farm a Antigua and sealed sword and i want to get a rough estimate of how long it will take
How Many jelly tokens do you get from 1 sovereign slime run

Surprisingly, that page doesn't give a good idea of the number of tokens. Here it is:
If you do the entire mission (joining in the mission lobby, and beating the boss, and picking up the tokens that it drops), then you will receive three or four tokens. Three is the usual number; you get four on rare occasions, apparently chosen randomly.

Thanks! I did not know 4 boss tokens were a "rare occasion". I always thought "if I have four members then you would always recieve 4". Turns out I was mistaken

you get guarenteed 4 on first time you do mission cause of the reward, then you usually get 3

Depending on where you join.
If you join from the mission lobby, chances are, you can get 3 or 4 jelly gems
If you join after the mission lobby, you won't receive full credit, but will not receive 4 jelly gems
If you join in the middle or near the elevator to the final depth, you can get up to 3, but you can only get a low chance in obtaining 3.
Near the elevator, or right at the elevator, you can receive up to 2 jelly gems
You shall get 3-4 from the start of a normal jelly run. And you will get 6-8 in a shadow lair. ( shadow lair not joinable in game.)

I think its different every time you enter...
The same as every other boss