Hello, yes i do still have the item in question, however i don't usually hold items for people because they always seem to back out at the last minute.
if you are willing to put a non-refundable 20% deposit on the item and we are talking only a short hold time, i may be persuaded to hold it for ya. Also i'm assuming you mean buy out when you say "i am willing to a/w". The item will remain available until the 24ke price is met or you agree to the conditions of the trade and make the deposit. Current offer is now 20ke. Got it a few days ago just haven't updated it.

i have nothing of value on me except my peacemaker unbinded but i want it if i trade it to you can you hold onto your bkc until the 29th when i can buy more energy and i will also want my peacemaker back

That seems like you are willing to make an effort, If you are agreeing to pay me 24ke in full on the 29th for my black kat cowl then i am willing to hold the peacemaker as a refundable deposit until that day. You can mail it to me and as soon as you do i will update my thread and hold the item for you.
I will expect to make the trade with you on the 29th to return your peacemaker and trade the cowl for the energy. I have been selling items and making trades in the game for quite awhile now and have had several threads be4 this one was started. So if trust is an issue im sure if you ask around you will find someone who knows me or knows someone who does to vouch for me.
EDIT: on a side note if you send a support request under "billing frequently asked questions" to increase you spending limit and your account is in good standings, they will up it. I think mine is up to $600 a month atm...:p
yea i tried to increase my billing limit but i made my account on the 28th so they denied me cause this account is new i left spiral kngihts 1 year ago and recently rejoined ill mail it to you right now but can we buddy so i can keep in touch?

Argent received and the item is on hold for ya till the 30th..:)

If I'm not mistaken, Amun-Sekhmet was looking at the possibility of purchasing a Storm driver ASI VH for ~18kE.

Thanks for the post Kms-II , I'm surprised they haven't posted about it because they have posted be4 on my thread and they are on my friends list..lol
hey obama when u get the time log on ill send you 24k energy to buy right now

Hey bro , sry i missed your post last night. If you have steam u can add me on there my name is the same there as well. I will check back every now and again today.
EDIT: Just logged onto sk and noticed u already sent me the 24k, i will promptly send you your argent back and your new cowl...:) Tyvm it was a pleasure doing business with ya. If you could please post or mail me just to make sure you received them both i would appreciate that.

I would love to buy the umbra driver ASI med for 6kE
Only problem is that I won't have the energy until next thurs, fri, or at the latest Saturday,as I am collecting E I lent friends.
So could you please reserve it for me?
Also if you come across a Blackhawk or sentenza ASI low or med I would like to buy that first. Thanks a lot!

WTB> Storm Driver ASI VH~ B/o 19kE~ Send Ya Friend request Already :D~ Do reply me SooN~

Pleasures all mine,its nice to deal with someone who make a reasonable offer up front..:)

Hey Obama, it's me, Amun ;)
I'm beginning to wonder whether or not I want to take a small break on my VH OCD and snag that smexy brandish of yours for 4.5kce (your b/o :3)
If my spikes undersell, I'll buy it :D
IGN: Amun-Sekhmet

Sounds good man, I was gonna make a carbine out of it cus i figure ctr would be good for that sword but don't rly feel like grinding tokens...:p
Gl with your spike sale...:)

Hey man could you sell my DA ASI-Med for me? I wanted to get at least 6.5kE, but no one is biting. I would ask you to sell it for me because your posts gets a lot of replies. Thanks man!

@Implodes If it helps you out i will post it on my thread with your name next to it. Tbh divine avenger is a hard one to sell without a high or vh on it but i will post it on my thread if you would like as long as you let me know the moment you sell it so i can take it down. Please post again so i can confirm you agree to those terms and id be happy to.
@Lp-Gronkh TY for the low-ball offer i suppose.Seems more of an insult than an offer however.

@cool-prototype Ty for the offer but a bit too low for that gun, that's the 1 gun i own i couldn't roll asi any higher than med. I actually paid more than that for it as a 2*.
ill just have to save up some more XD
How much do you believe a Polaris with ASI Med and Undead VH would go for?

@taketheword TBH i am a bit high on my b/o for the asi/med polaris because i'm not sure if i want to sell it yet. I would say asi/med polaris is about 10ke so if you get 12ke because of undead vh you would be doing well i think. The undead bonus is practically unnoticeable from none to vh. Just my opinion though, hope that helps.

o dayum obama ur rich. u gotta mentor me on dis merchanting stuff :D

Its pretty simple,Spend a ton of real life money and develop a uv habit. lol
I will offer 19kce on the Final Flourish ASI Very High because apparently you did not want His-Minx to sell his (for a reason I do really know why) and so I think it is fair for me to offer the same amount as his one.

Yes , i did not want my girlfriend,(his)=meaning me (minx)= a pet name i call her to sell her ff for as cheap as she had it up there because she was frustrated with the game and just dumping items. So ty for you offer of 19ke but its a bit to low for me considering the item is bound. Also am i correct in assuming that you were offering that in 2 weeks like u stated on my gf's thread?
Yes, that is true. Also, about the Final Flourish. How much are you expecting for it because since His-Minx also has one, I was hoping to do lower than the normal price for it (25-30kce) but I understand why you would not accept 19kce.

ob is @ work, he will get back to you when he gets home. free bump!

I would accept 24ke and that's about the lowest i would go for it since it is currently bound. however i would only accept that amount if someone were to offer it and have the money immediately, i do not hold items unless given either a 20% non-refundable deposit towards the overall cost or an item of value that can be returned when the trade is made.
Could you tell me how much my asi/MED + Undead/VH Polaris is worth?
The Final Flourish seems a bit too steep for me. Also, I do not yet have the CE to afford it.

@Taketheword , In my opinion a asi/med polaris is worth about 6ke given current cr price. If you add the undead/vh to it your looking at probably 2k more given the difference between normal and vh is negligible. Hope that helps..:)
@Uname-it , Why the name change? Thanks for the bump and gl in your quest for a vh flourish..:)
Thanks Obama, also, good luck selling your items. Also for the help you have given recently.
P.S: Name change was because I was bored :P

Thanks for the offer , 500 a bit low i was thinking 750e just because they aren't worth as much as they used to be worth.
hi do you still have your black kat cowl i am willing to a/w it if you are willing to wait for my billing limit to reset so i can get more energy my ign is iwasunbroken if you are willing to wait it would really mean alot to me thanks