Mission End's 'Continue' Button

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Of-The-Deepers's picture

Uh, this isn't a test server issue per se (I'm not a test server player) but I noticed this recently as I've been doing missions:

Before, IIRC, the end of mission pop-up provided us a button labeled [Return to Haven].

Now the end of mission screen has a button labeled [Continue].

This isn't really a big issue but I think the former was more appropriate as we aren't going down one level, we're going back to Haven...

[EDIT] Thanks to whichever moderator relocated this thread; standing in the shower later, I realized it would make more sense for it to be in suggestions.

Krakob's picture

This is thread 80000!

Aveond's picture
yay thread 80k! Let's

yay thread 80k!
Let's celebrate ~(OwO)~

Of-The-Deepers's picture

Woah, that's interesting. Wasn't expecting it to be such an even number...

Apophis-Set-Two's picture

Came just cuz it's thread 80k... Cheers!

Geosmin's picture
It's number 80000!

+1, though if I hadn't simply assumed that renaming the button was already suggested multiple times, I'd have suggested something shorter like just "Haven," "return," "exit" or "okay," I think that's enough from me.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

They have a lot of room for "Return to Haven" I think its a better idea. When I first came across that new button, I thought "This doesn't seem to describe what the button does properly." While you are continuing, you are continuing to Haven, not to some new depth.


Oh, and if a brony comes here, feel free to pull out your party cannon. I won't mind.