Greetings Knights!
The administration of The Fallen would like to offer you a membership to our T3-Guild.
The most important attitudes we have are kindness to every knight, especially
to your guildmates, cooperativeness, that means everyone will help everyone
as good as possible and a common sense, we don't want to have any kinds of
scammers, beggers, selfish people.
Furthermore because of our different members we have a far spectrum of
doing mission - from usual arcade about any prestige mission to rank missions
and even Operation Crimson Hammer same as any Shadow Lair. You can count
on qualified members who can help you in any dangerous situation. Besides
they like to help you at any question you could have. A community what can feels
like a home.
We also try to improve the guild internal and external. Internal Improvement
implies that the administration involves the meanings of every member to change
something. Each problem can get discussed with an officer to find a peaceable
solution. We also try to coach you to improve your skills.
External Improvement means we try to make our guild as popular as possible.
Including our coachment and common sense we try to be a great paragon for
other knights and guilds.
We do also Lockdown matches called GvG and there we try to keep pace with other
guilds. We have a lot of good Lockdown players and you could fulfill the team if
you are good enough.
Additionally we manage our guildhall and we would appreciate a donation of
5000 Crowns per week which is not a duty though but it will help to pay
the weekly upkeep and improve our guildhall. Our Guildhall is composed of
a war room, an auction house, an alchemy room and a few usual rooms.
It also have the Falling Embers Environment and a Storage for every member,
where placed any kind of materials and gear.
Long text short - Let's have fun together!
We hope we managed to make you curios and you are interested to join us,
The Fallen. If you agree you can contact us in game at the following
Guildmasters/Officers: Skylined, Daystorm, Brul, Koekjje, Coldness,
Manumi, Oh-Quiet-You, Cherryberry or you just answer here at forum.
In the meantime we wish you the best of luck and a nice remaining day!
The administration of The Fallen
P.S. Please send us some information about you so that we get an overview from you.
Plz invite me I am 5*