Recommended modifications to shield dash & bash

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Thinslayer's picture

The two new features are fantastic ideas. However, their built-in limitations substantially reduces their usefulness. The dash takes too long to recharge to be really useful in combat, except when you're cornered. I recommend reducing the cooldown to about 5-6 seconds, mainly because 1) that's about how long it takes for a typical enemy to attack, and 2) for psychological reasons; I was mentally counting down the timer, but I always finished before the timer did. As a result, I was never prepared to use the dash.

The shield bash requires a more comprehensive look. It's useful for getting out of a tight spot, but not much else. Instead of babying us and preventing us from using the bash until the shield bar is full, how about only letting us use it whenever we have enough shield available? If the shield took no damage, the player can use it twice. If the shield took any damage, then the bash cannot be used beyond one time until it has charged a little. Furthermore, I recommend allowing the shield to offer protection during the bash. After all, it's still held out in front of the player, right? If the shield takes any damage, the above limitation still holds - the player won't be allowed to bash again until it has recharged to the halfway point.

Both of these suggestions allow for more regular and rapid uses of these techniques. If they are left as-is, they will be relatively useless, which is kinda the last thing we want out of them.

Shamanalah's picture
my 2 cents

The dash takes too long to recharge to be really useful in combat, except when you're cornered. I recommend reducing the cooldown to about 5-6 seconds, mainly because 1) that's about how long it takes for a typical enemy to attack, and 2) for psychological reasons; I was mentally counting down the timer, but I always finished before the timer did. As a result, I was never prepared to use the dash.

I think it just takes time to adjust and I don't want it to be any shorter, it's way OP as it is... spamming it every 5 seconds is just nonesense... The game wouldn't be fun anymore and be too easy...

Instead of babying us and preventing us from using the bash until the shield bar is full, how about only letting us use it whenever we have enough shield available?

I disagree

If the shield took no damage, the player can use it twice. If the shield took any damage, then the bash cannot be used beyond one time until it has charged a little

No... just no... Dash + Shield Bash + Dash + Shield Bash... no... -_-

It's not hop knight...

Klockworx's picture
@ Shamanala

Your argument makes no sence. Shield bash takes 5 seconds to recharge, dash takes 8. In retrospect it should be reversed. I agree with Thinslayer on this one, dash needs to be shorter in cooldown, bash longer.