A long time ago, before missions, before the Guild Hall expansion, before many things in this wonderful game, there was a guild. This guild is now rising again, and needs your help to retake it's place.
Elite Defenders is the type of guild that just says "come and have fun on the game together." Below, written out (in order) is how to get in the Guild, What we want from you, an event for tier 3 people this Saturday, Guild Hall size, and random things you should know that didn't fit anywhere else.
How To Get Into Elite Defenders
In order to get recruited, post here so that I see it, or mail one of the following people (Officers and Guild Masters that are online regularly):
You can try any you want, but me (Tedme), Snafu (yes, Snafupox), and Thunderbirdva should work no matter what.
PLEASE NOTE: either way this is done, there most likely will be a decently long wait.
The Ever Growing Guild Hall (What We Want From You)
Now, if you look in the guild hall (it may or may not be available to the public), you may notice a problem..... it's huge, but doesn't have anything in it. This is all we ask: Deposit aprox. 1000 crowns after any day you spend on the game. For tier 1, you can do a week, and you don't HAVE to do it everyday you get on this MMO, but deposit as much as you can please.
With such high payments on the Guild Hall, I am inviting any tier 3 people (4* or 5*) to help us by Fighting vana and depositing any crowns made from the boss run in the Guild Hall. This event is planned for this Saturday, and any who want to help can. If you want a Guild run, I will most likely be getting on at 9 Am (Mountain Time) on Saturday.
Guild Hall
The Guild hall is two floors and mostly empty. If you read "The Ever Growing Guild Hall", you know about how we are trying to remedy this. Also, the Guild Hall Should be open to public, so feel free to take a look!
Other Details
If you reach Veteran, take from the mist well only on emergencies.
We don't want people to feel like depositing is a chore; if you can't, don't.
In theory, more details about the Vanaduke run will be posted as an MoTD in the future.
Thank you for considering joining Elite Defenders! We'd like to see you join for real soon!
No one? Anyone? okay.....