Pipipipipi isn't even the one trying to change.....
Rahman, you should really check up on this stuff more offtend.
I'd be happy to welcome you into the wolver outcasts if rattan allows it.
Tunnels & Tortodrones
Need to make a more updated tier advancement...... Every time we go up a tier ill update dis.
@rAtman please link this to my player description in your first post.
Tier 1:
Damage effects:
Charge-Normal+Stun (33%)
Drool (:D)-Normal (causes poison)
Run fast
Attack Raise (for nearby teammates only)
Ok so that's it for now.
here's my back story and tier advancement. I'm a vog cub XD
Everything was perfect and a utopia to me along time ago. I used to play in the beautiful, flaming meadow ( immune to fire.) My brothers and sisters were playing tug of war with a cromalisk leg. We kill intruders who enter our den. The toasty inferno smoulding vog cub den. Everything was perfect until knights started to hunt for our fur pelts see this page . Our numbers are dropping. Suddenly, we were ambushed by knights. We tried to fight back but when ever we took them out, they keep reviving. Knowing there is no hope in winning, i ran away and escaped with my life. The other vog cubs aren't so lucky. I wonder around the clockworks, avoiding knights. When ever i saw some knights, I slaughter them to avenge my kind. I looted their crowns currency. got 50 of them to be exact. I heard dying tortodrones. After days of wondering around the clockworks, a team of gremlin thrawkers ambushed me. Everything was blurry. I fainted. The gremlins tried doing tests on me. They shock me with their taser sticks when ever i tried to resist. I saw a broken cell ( formly lord of drago's). It was torture. They tried to do DNA tests on me. a week later, i escaped. I was scraped, burned, and bruised. For the second time, i had barely escaped for my life. I ran into some ember light gremlins. They healed me and restored me to my original state. They took care of me while i was in a state of being injured. 5 days later, they released me into the wild. I found lord of dragos and his wolver pack who kindly accepted me.
Tier 1: appear as dark red fur and red fiery eyes. About the size of a alpha wolver
>bite- fire and piercing
> shoot 1 fire bullet- elemental and fire
Tier 2- appear to have some volcanic fur. firery eyes, and a flaming tail. same size as T 1
>bite-fire piercing
>shoot 3 fire bullets- fire and elemental damage
>scorch- same as gremlin's flame thrower- fire and elemental damage
Tier 3- appear a bit larger then perma frostifurs with flaming fur,flaming eyes, flaming tails, and bright volcanic fur
>bite-strong fire and piercing
>shoot 5 fire bullets- strong fire and elemental
>scorch- strong fire and elemental
>fire wave- fire and elemental
Okay, let me handle this bit by bit...
Piosionus-Snarby has become a Vog Cub and joined Lord-Of-Dragos. Traitor.
Cupcake-God turned into a creep cake. I'd ask for a story, but I don't really care right now.
Anything else? Yes? No? Alright then, party closed.
The elevator brings you down into a plaza in the middle of a dark metropolis. If you walk to a nearby lookout spot, you can see the elevator to the next level, but the only down to it is to go down a stairway at the other end of the plaza, and then to continue down the main road. It's not a long walk, but you should watch your step.
What do you do?
idle around with the other wolvers in the pack waiting for lord's orders.
The elevator's arriving.
what should we do?
I go forward with caution ready to bite anything that comes
I hate devilites
As you traverse down the stairway, you spy a young devilitte at the bottom of the stairs, drawing some kind of infernal circle. He seems completely unaware of you...
I'm Going Down With Pipipipipi
I Rise My Shield While Walking In The Dark
Then I See Young Devilite
I Ask Pipipipipi "Should We Kill It? May Be It Family Will Kill Us If We Kill It"
1) Befriend us
2) Attack us alone
3) Send out it's army
4) Use us as the sacrifice of a ritual it is doing
Mark will ask the next poster.
Assuming I am playing seeing how I was in the player list I head down into the plaza and chat with some familiar faces. As I do this I notice a old friend, Timothy, a Devilt IT that has a bit of his own look with round shades instead of glasses and a red ring earring in his right ear, and a neon green/blue in his left.
As I talk to him he mentions his friend, Harweld, a gremlin.
I ask him if he could modify my bomb or maybe even provide a new one, Timothy says... -up to Ratman-
hmm.. so does each tier have three dungeons or does the 3 dungeons count as one tier.
any ways, i think there should be a tortodrone since i saw one in a metropolis area in the promo. See this
also i made a appearance on that video too. XD
need to make my tier 1 update too.
>bite-piercing and fire ( 25 percent)
> attack buff
> absorb attack ( take less damage by 40 percent)
> fire bullet- fire and elemental
>swipe- fire, piercing, elemental
Timothy looks at your bomb, then says, "I could make a few adjustments on the spot..." Then he places the bomb on the ground, in the middle of his infernal drawings. Then he pulls out some tools and spare parts, and modifies your bomb into a Static Flash.
Near completion, he stops and considers for a moment. Then he preforms a dark ritual imbueing some of the power from his drawings into the bomb. Then he makes some finishing touches, and hands it back to you.
"The ritual I just preformed will make this bomb a good defense against any beasts that should trouble you," he says. "Don't worry about payment or anything. Just think of it as a gift from an old ---" before he finishes, he notices Pipipipipi staring at him. Timothy panics and runs off, leaving some scrap metal and a shard of dark matter behind.
grabs scrap metal and dark matter and wonders what he could craft with it, looks around for one of those crafting machines
Punches a firm fist into Pi's stomach while charging my static flash. As soon as it finishes I place the primed bomb in to Pi's back pack and take back Tim's stuff. I shout at him "Jerk.".
I head off looking for Tim to return his material as I hear a exsplosion in the background fallowed with some sparks.
Up to rat man if Pi survived.
Pipipipipi survives, but Waffleconecake trips and falls down a manhole. If he chooses to climb back up, it will take him until post #170 to get back up.
Also, Pipipipipi gets hit by a lightning strike, but is unaffected. In fact, the lightning seems to have healed him :O
yay, I'm healed
wouldn't trying to kill me count as backstabbing causeing Waffle to go into SOMO?
anyway, runs to the exit preparing to fight any fiend that appears
Before we know it, Pipipipipi is surrounded by devilites. One of them is Timothy, the devilite Waffleconecake was talking to earlier.
"I thought I recognized you," he says. "Did you ever see your friend again? 'Cause I got quite a promotion for pushing him off a cliff. But enough about him, we have so much catching up to do."
With that, Timothy throws a floppy disk at Pipipipipi!
dodges and lands a couple of bites on Timothy
Timothy shrieks in pain, then runs off.
However, you're still surrounded by devilites, and a few of them are about to throw pencils at you!
Unseen at the top of a abandoned building, me and some of lord's wolvers ambush pipipipi. I'm taking advantage of this moment when pipipipi is at a weaker state. one wolver against a fraction of a pack of wolvers? seems unfair but we will help you defeat the devilites if you join us. If you don't, we'll finish you off. Plus i'm the mythical vog cub. I now you have some vengeance in your mind. Mine too. We wolvers have to stay together. We'll also hunt down waffle for you if you join lord's wolf pack. Now just abandon the party and join us.
Time to search the sewers! (this feels like a triple A game now...)as a Jade Gravahr this is my kinda place, toxic, smelly, -deep sniff- ah, just like home at the end of the week.
I go down the farthest right path and see a marking, a type of gremlin vandalism, it is even seen on the mask of Seerus, often seen through out the clock work at major meeting points.... but this is not at all a major meeting point.
As I step closer to the marking I smell.. oil and toxins.The smell seems to be emanating from the Pillar it is on as if there is some thing burning and sick behind it...
I begin to look at it carefully and notice small cuts around the outline of the symbol. I attempt to press down on it and..
(up to Ratman to see what happens.)
Also how would that be back stabbing? you threatened a friend of mine then stole his stuff! Why should we be allies now?
1. I am the TUNNEL MASTER! I decide literally everything that happens to you, and everything you find, based on your... "quick"... decisions. Don't go running off and saying "Ooh, I searched the sewers and found this!" Just say, "I search the sewers."
2. It wasn't Pipipipipi's fault that your friend ran away. Timothy was just frightened and surprised to see him. And technically, Pipipipipi didn't steal Timothy's stuff, he just picked up what Timothy dropped. The whole reason I dumped you down the sewer in the first place was to warn you not to do that again (well okay, maybe you can, because it fits the roleplay aspect, but no blowing him up.).
3. No offense, but please stop saying AWW THWACCCK NAAWWHHH in your subject line. Specifically the THWACCCK part.
Okay, back to the adventure.
When you push on the pillar, you accidentally hit a secret button! the pillar sinks into the ground, revealing what appears to be an elevator.
I want to go back to Pipipipipi, but he's kinda in a thick situation between wolvers AND devilites, and is left with the choice of either joining Piosionus-Snarby and living, or having to fight everybody.
I'm kinda hoping someone else intervenes here...
out of RP
Question, am I allowed to hint at things? like "I notice a red mark in the sewers when I hit the ground." or "I land with a thud as I hit the floor of the sewer and smell toxins. I notice the slight trace of a burning oil coming off one of the walls and notice a red marking on a pillar."
am I allowed to describe the environment to an extent as long as its fitting?
Also a side suggestion, as I am currently in front of an elevator you might want to add a tab for were the person is in the player list, for instance :Waffleconecake
Location: "Swears of Metropolis"
Location: "Surrounded by devlites in the Metropolis plaza"or simply "Metropolis Plaza"
Location: "rooftop of Building in the Plaza" or "Metropolis Plaza"
In order to keep track of were everyone is with out having to check each page for the post that last mentions were they are.
Ignore this next part if by saying "I want to go back to Pipipipipi," you mean focus on him and no other part of the adventure. If you just want to give attention to what is going then feel free to elaborate.
I inspect my self for any cuts or wounds from the fall and find I am in a -Ratman's choice- condition.
I then look up at the screen above the elevator (assuming it is like a normal one) and see a picture of a -Ratman's choice-.
And I guess a few small hints and ideas wouldn't hurt that badly so long as they're relevant.
Anyways, You're fine, you just got a little bruise on your wing.
The elevator has a picture of Seerus' mask inscribed in the ceiling of the elevator, which appears somewhat like a large, round cage. with a handrail.
Inside the elevator, near the door, is a two-button switch. One of the buttons seems stuck, the other is glowing, and has an up arrow painted on it.
I cautiously walk onto the elevator and Press down on the button.
I have a feeling this will be a bumpy ride ...
I never mentioned my Tier 1 traits/abilities huh...
Offensive abilities:
Kat Bite
Kat Klaw (A ghastly claw comes out of nowhere and scratches the enemy)
Kat Bullet
Defensive Abilities:
Poison Fog (If ever I have low health, this ability will leave the enemy poisoned at the same time I'll have enough time to make my escape)
My Traits:
I am a Hurkat with a slightly darker shade of green. I have a piercing on my right ear. When attacking, I don't do it like a usual Kat. Instead of floating into the enemy, I disappear into the ground and appear behind the enemy's back. Then attack. Stealthy~
I appear before Waffle. I come in peace actually. I actually came here to ask you if I could join you? And I also brought some extra nom noms (bacon bits) from my lunch.
Green-Neko has been secretly following Waffleconecake. Okay.
Anyways, I thought I made it pretty clear the "down" button was stuck.
So let's just pretend you hit the "up" button.
The elevator carries Green-Neko & Waffleconecake slowly upwards.
Soon the elevator stops, and a door opens in front of you.
Standing there is a very surprised gremlin, who stands in complete silence.
He is carrying a barrel of some kind of sludge, with the word "TOXIC" Written on it.
I shall accept Neko's companionship.
I wave to the gremlin and attempt to explain our current situation and how we got here.
I'm Just Take A Nap And....Where Pipipipipi?
I Run And Found Pipipipipi Surround By Devilite And Wolver
So I Help Help Him Fight Together
You forget devilite and wolver plus vog cub.
land a surprise attack by landing a bite to the neck while he's distracted by the devilites and wolvers which also inflict fire. You had no time to block my attack because you were too busy blocking the devilite's office tools.
choose wisely pipipipi.
and also i send some of my kleptolisk friends who secretly hitched a ride on the elevator. they can turn entirly invisible. No one but me and the wolvers know this. They'll come back down and report which then, i'll be able to follow the party. >:)
im back. plz include me in the next delve into the clockworks ^_^
there is 2 many I shout runs away dragging Thowardz to the elevador
we will never defeat them all without dieing I say as I drag Thowardz walong to the elevador
gets on elevador and gos up
out of RP
Oie, ratman, you would you be cool with me using your OP format to make my own Tunnels & Tortodrones thread?
I just wanted to start one seeing how we seem to have polar sleep/day time so I think it would be good to have at least 1 dungeon master online at a constant. even if they are to separate dungeons.
my kleptolisk spies reported back to me.
So they went that way.
climbs elevator ropes with the wolver pack tracking your scents.
not noticing i'm behind your trail, me and lord's wolver pack corners pipipipi. no way to run now. You are surrounded by the wolver pack and thowardz is unconscious. He is over heating from my bite and unable to wake. now wolvers prepare to attack pipipipi. There is one of you and many of us and we circle one. Plus i'm a vog cub. Now choose now pipipipi.
Knights hunt us down for our fur pelt as seeing thowardz wearing a wolver pelt. They kill us for our skins. Join us and we'll have each other's back. agian, we wolvers must stick together.
both me and thowardz bodys were acually cardboard cutouts rubbed with our scent
you look up and see me and Thowardz have already reached the top, I bite off the elavador ropes making the elavador fall down with you on it and your pack
I'm not going back!!!
Okay, it looks like the game has gotten a little out of control...
Im kinda tired of this, so I'm out of here.
Waffleconecake, since you asked, you're in charge now. Have fun.
um... K. I guess I'll just make a new thread for this so I can properly keep track of who is what. Same rules continuing off same story but I am now Jeebus.
Mark goes off to the elevator after fighting Devilites. To his surprise, the elevator broke and now a vog cub looks at Mark and tries to bite him. Mark dodges and lands a piercing hit on the vog. Then he throws the cub to the broken elevator. Mark is now stuck in the metropolis.
you know usevnsevnsixfivfor, that was just a ash tail and not me, the vog cub. I had already left metropolis and hitch a ride on pipipipi's and thowardz. You know, you wasted that much time on a ordinary ash tail, i'm not that easily beaten. That one isn't even in the wolver pack. you threw the ash tail at the broken elevator. i think it works better with a volt tail but since you did it, you're stuck. maybe you should see this page
Anyways, back to adventure. I noticed it was only a cut board cut out a long time ago so i hitched a ride on your elevator without notice. There you stopped at the floor with the gremlin with the barrel that said toxic. I jumped off the elevator and onto the floor you guys are on. i tunnel down behind you guys so you wouldn't see me. I am following you every waking moment. >:)
You know, a card board cut wouldn't fool me and since you won't join us, you'll face death. This time it's the real pipipipi and thowardz.
we fall down because we were cardboard cutouts, their is a note on the back of the cardboard cutout of me, it says "we have a warehouse full of cardboard cutouts" it was not the real me and thowardz, we are a mile ahead of you
and also, you are still tier 1, and tier 1 wolvers can't burrow, otherwise I would have burrowed away when me and thowardz were surrounded by devilites and wolvers
you know, you can't just keep using cardboard cut outs to keep avoiding oppositions. the game wouldn't be interesting.
plus i decide to just take things easy and drink some blaze pepper tea. And also i sent a substitute.
pipipipi found a ash tail and defeated it. You found a note attached and it says: gone fishing, be back soon. sent a sub.
2 cardboard cutouts fall down
my warehouse is in my pocket dimention which only I can access
I have been been looking around and found a (Super-Ratman dicides) as a matter o fact, I'm already on the elevador, or am I, mabey I'm not, mabey I am?
I'm already at the top of the elevador and on the next floor (bites elevador ropes off)
i am at the next floor too drinking tea at the end of that floor. Hey have you met Vana the sub yet? plus he'll be hunting you down now. have fun. :) Along with that, i sent many assassins from the clock works.
looks around and finds a air vent, gos in and gos to next floor, sees a pack of wolves above me on a air vent, sneezes causeing a bunch of fire to come from my candle and burning all the wolvers above me and killing most of them
gos to next floor and sees Piosionus-Snarby's feet, jumps up sending Piosionus snarby up into the air and landing on his back, sees vent fall on him
I use tackle on Piosionus-snarby
oh and here is my story
I was a normal creep cake, one day, a knight went through where I lived and dropped a divine halo and a divine wings, I put them on me
then came the day, the day I would be removed from SK for a year, I didn't want to be removed, so I escaped into the surface, I had never seen the surface before, it was amazing for me, I was gald I wasn't going to be removed, but I was sorry for my friends, then, I saw it
a knight was having a adventure,in the clockworks, I wanted to have a adventure 2 but I couldn't do it that day otherwise I would have been removed
then you came, offering adventures to everyone and everything, so I dicided to join
wow, idiot ash tail, why would it jump up and down on a air vent and let a creep tackle it. It seems you never bothered to read the previous post. Any ways since your a cup cake, the ash tail eats you. not really that good at being a protagonist old chap? I am waiting at the end of the level drinking tea as you never bothered to read the previous post. You know, i'm not that stupid.
I have many ash tails working for me. more then you could imagine and plus the wolvers already left.
since things are getting out of control, i think super ratman should check on this more often.
you can not eat me
kills ash tail and gos to end of level and kills Piosionus-Snarby
ah, but what you do not know is that elevador leads to haven and the floor you are is well, a giant trap door
pulls lever which sends you and all your minions into a giant pool of monster killing acid (including vanna and the assassians
Cupcake-God falls onto a platform leading to the elevador while your dead body falls into acid
wait, why are you saying I could have a few keys and lockboxes when I'm not the one who is turing into a divine creep cake?