3.5kce on BOTH Crest Of Winters.

Updated... Kindly add me in steam : d3vilwar88
For those who wanna email me, very serious buyer only, just inform me here with your email address... I will reply you ASAP..

You really should sell most of this tut on the AH. It'd be faster and net you more money.

3.5kce for both crest of Winters
Thanx! Caro
Edit: {Nvm} Didn't see the other post :P

175k cr for each Sniped Stranger Hat
I can add you on Steam if it's easier for you

Kindly post your new offer, I might overlooked if you edited your previous offer... THX..

50k for Cheeky eyes and 190k for 1 Snipe stranger hat =D
20k ce Blitz Ctr vh + Asi Medium
17k ce Prismatic Dragon
3k ce Surge side blade
6k ce Surge wing
Retract my bid on the crest of summer, thanks.

Wolver Cap 3 UV Shock MAX, Normal HIGH, Fire Med 8,5kce
Snowfall aura 9,5kce
Hi there, would like to know when this "quitting sale" is ending. Thanks
i can boost up ur quitting sale..
add me ingame pls
best regards
i can boost up ur quitting sale..
add me ingame pls
best regards
aadd me ingame i can boostup ur quitting sale
best regards

I offer 10kce for wolver cap 3 UV Shock MAX, Normal HIGH, Fire Med

Please continue
to offer.. just back from vacation..

5.2k ce
DA asi med
FF asi med
GF asi med
4.5k ce
archeron ctr med
Stagger Storm CTR med
275k each
Sniped Stranger Hats (i'll take both @ 275k each)

Yes.. i still have the cool cat tail and 2 military cat tail

i'd like to get the 2 mirroreds if the b/o is not too high. what would it be?
where'd you get 5.5k c/o for winter crests from?
hihi pls...
add me in SK...
i can boostup ur sale..
best regards
IGN: LittleJoy

i would like to buy the cutter, i pay you in kce :) i've added on steam, my name is Massive_Massacre /or/ Koldsplin
Hey could I please put an offer of 4.5k CE on the shivermist buster? :3
3.4kCE for both Crests of Winter