Don't do it!
That is all
Don't do it!
That is all
They make more sense with the new UI and the changes to the arsenal, etc. Though as someone else already mentioned, it does look odd that gear slots are still circular while the gear icons are square. I'm assuming those bits are still works-in-progress, though.
Makes it much easier to tell the difference between, say, Iron Slug and Callahan, so they're better from a utility perspective. Why is it you don't want them?
I like it. It gives the game a more polished feel.
Soooo, the icons in the test server don't always look like that? I thought that's just what the test server looked like (this was my first time on the test server).
This is constructive criticism, and I hope it finds it's way to someone important.
If those icons are supposed to be released... oh my... they are not so nice to look at! I couldn't tell what was what, it was just a wall of messy icons that made no sense whatsoever.
Here we go again, Zeedy, Neo, and I... we don't seem to agree about much in this game... I am, personally, strongly repulsed by almost all of the icons I saw in the test server. Seriously, until I saw this post, I thought they just didn't bother to finish the interface icons for the test server! Literally, I was thinking: "Neat, I have all the weapons in the game... but which is which, and why didn't they finish the icons???"
Then while testing the new gorgos, which are nasty little buggers, I was like: "whoa, ick, what's that... oh, it's a red shard (gel drop, blue shard, etc.). Bleh! Why didn't they finish the icon??? If they just took away the puzzle piece behind it, I could tell what it is... BEFORE I pick it up!" Seriously, the puzzle piece in the background should go away. The rest of the icon is 3d and kinda cool, but the puzzle piece is just tacky, and makes it so I can't tell what it is on the ground, and I have to look at the pickup text to know what it is I just picked up.
I would still play SK with the new icons.... but I found it very ugly and unfinished looking. Sorry to whoever designed them, but seriously, they look unfinished! And the inventory weapon ones are so busy and random, I had to hover over each one to find my gear.
The new renders are still in beta. They will look better(sharper) in the finished product.
It's nice to see they're making the UI uniform, ever since the change it has been half old UI and half new. The only problem is, I don't know if I will like the new look... /e crosses fingers and waits for wednesday
I really like the current style of icons... admittedly, my "favorite part of spiral knights" thread alluded to this, but I really meant most of that. The current style of icons in spiral knights are gloriously simplistic, they look fun, and its easy to tell exactly what you have on you at any given time.
I love(d) the simplistic style that Spiral Knights had. It set it apart from the rest of the game! Now... This. Please, somebody, add an option to switch from the new UI to the old and vice versa.
I agree with poeple here, honestly they look bad. First why are some sqaures and others circles? Next the simplicity of before made it cooler, I mean having just a couple of icons and make them vary in color depending on the weapon. And finally they SIMPLY DON'T FIT WITH SPIRAL KNIGHT'S ARTSTYLE. The arstyle is amazing reall, but these icons don't have a place in here, they are too "realistic" for what spiral knights artsyle is, which is AMAZING!!!
So pleace put the old back in!!!
Although I must admit the materials and reciep icons look nice.
Nuff said.