Is there a place where we can talk about other things besides just this game?
Just a question, I would really like it if we got one
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Well that sucks
I wanted to suggest the blog I'm starting
Since a lot of the people on this game are interesting and have great ideas
If the devs allow this post heres a link, wooooooot!
Its about the book I'm writing
Which still needs to be started
Oh, btw, good job on the game, its looking great
I officially declare this topic to be the off-topic topic where we talk about ponies and rainbows.
You know I could add that to my book
I was actually thinking about it too, lol
Kymroi, your book needs a revolutionary. A well-learned man. A ladies man.
Your book needs...
Simon Bolivar.
edit: and if we're going to be off-topic, I just want you guys to know I'm buying this for my toilet.
Simon Bolivar can go into the book about paradoxs and time rifts
If I can get to writing that one
And my next post with the first park of the book is going up soon
Or an hour, or tomorrow, who knows
I know this is technically unrelated to Spiral Knights as a whole, but as an english teacher I feel compelled to comment on your "preface" to your upcoming story.
You seem to have a problem with using punctuation correctly. Your sentences seem to be peppered with random comma splices that can be replaced by periods for a more concise statement. In fact, I find that none of your sentences seem to end with a period. This makes it seem as though your entire blog post was a gigantic rambling, run on sentence.
Second, you seem to have the same habit that many people on the internet seem to be infected with. That is, you tend to miscapitalize many words that do not require capitalization. Take this sentence for example:
"I'm in High School, I'm Fifteen years old, I absolutely love nintendo, I have an obsession with fantasy and weird music that is NOT mainstream, that stuff is horrible in my opinion"
High school is a improper noun, it does not require two capitalized words. Unless you are writing down the actual name of your high school (e.g. Lake Washington High School), you typically do not capitalize the words high and school. The same goes for "Fifteen" in "Fifteen years old." Conversely, you failed to capitalize Nintendo. Nintendo is a company name; therefore, it is a proper noun that requires proper capitalization.
Finally, as an aspiring writer myself, I just want to tell you that telling the readers about the themes of your work is generally a pointless act. A reader is meant to figure those out from your writing, not from you force-feeding it to them. While explaining some of the story for the readers to give them a better understanding of the plot can be a good idea in certain cases. For the most part, however, you should allow the readers to figure out these things themselves. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and also helps keep them interested in the story.
What would be more interesting, telling someone that your story will have pirates or letting them discover that there are pirates on their own?
There's a lot of things I wish were different about the forums. But they probably aren't too concerned with that right now.