Welcome! If you're looking at this, you're either looking for a guild or just got interested because of our fabulous title! :P
So yeah. As it says on our guild page, here , we're just a bunch of fun-lovers that derp around more than anything productive.
Yay. :D
Quick rules list, pasted from the wiki b/c I'm sure some of you didn't go there ;)
1. Don't Beg.
2. Don't be a Jerk.
3. Show Respect.
4. Don't just invite random guildies to missions, ask on Guild Chat.
5. Have fun, be fun, and stay fun. :D
We do ask for 500-1000 crs a week as a donation, simply so our GH can get bigger and better. :P
However, there isn't any plans to make it much bigger than just 1 2f wing, because the last guild, which most if not all of the GMs and Officers came from, suffered from unpaid Upkeep.
Unlike most Guilds here, we don't ask for you to fill out a form or anything! We're small enough that anyone's welcome. ^.^
*I may ask to go on a run with you ASAP, just so I can get a feel for your personality, but that's just me.*
We do like chatty people, though. XD
So hey, just post here with IGN if you're interested, or send me a mail, I'll get you an invite and away we'll go. :)
Blake-Sky-Blade, GM of Knightfall
I'd like to join.