Thank you! :D I love it!
coolbluex ::art:: and ::commissions:: thread
hey jade rabbit, sorry for the has been chaotic :x
but here is your commission, i hope u like it
commissions will be back in September
taking a break and doing stuff for events later this month :x
You guessed it, it's that time again! So, you back in business? I am IN NEED of a fantastic bit of art. Especially if it's about me! :D
I would like a colored T1 drawing of this girl wearing draped armor divine/regal themed with a white personal color (with the black bodysuit replaced by bare skin), wielding a Divine Avenger-wingless Argent Peacemaker gunblade, and in any appropriate combat pose of your choosing (if I like it).
Edit: I would also like to see a white sash (like the distinguishing feature of Azure Guardian armor) placed around her neck and right shoulder.
The gunblade should look like an Argent Peacemaker, stripped of its wings, with the blade of a Divine Avenger where the bayonet should be. The hilt should be a straight, parallel Divine Avenger hilt, not the angled pistol grip.
sorry i didn't see your post there thinslayer, not sure if u still want something or not
anyways sorry to all for not reviving the thread in was a very hectic month of ups and downs in my life but i'm....sorta back now?
although there is already a list even before i was able to revive the thread! and of course NJ's awesome halloween thread which i'm making an entry for now :x
so i'm kinda hesitant about opening the thread officially but if anyone RRREEEEEAAAALLLYYY wants anything and is willing to wait for me to finish my current list of patrons, they can do so =)
waiting time should be about a month :x sorry >_<
I'm still interested, but I'm not sure I can afford to wait a month. I have two other artists working on it in a competition, and they're likely to be done before you. But on the off-chance you finish before they do, I'd be happy to employ you.
I'm also interested in a commission but it will have to be next month as I'm totally broke at the moment. I'll be ready next month though.
With DHF finished and done with, I have the 3kce half of the 2kce I have already given you ready to go once you're finished! I gleefully await the art's completion.
Also, I'm not sure if I mentioned this earlier but would it be too much trouble to put my name in the top right corner of the back of the book/down the spine in an Old English font in red(and make the tail of the "Y" in "Xyloid" curve around under it for a fancy underlining similar or exactly like John Hancock's famous signature)? You can decide if it needs a "property of:" or the like before "Xyloid" based on fluidity of what you like better/whatever fits best.
What can I say, I'm a man of fancy tastes for small details!
There shall be in-game mail confirming/mirroring this statement as well.
Best wishes,
I will not be accepting commissions anymore, until i understand the situation with the major changes coming to spiral knights
i will finish Jade rabbit's commission and if i'm liking the major updates i will re-open the commission list
hopefully i will be, but if not i will still be on accepting paid commissions