Slungs shop updated with LOTS of new stuff Arcane halo WTB Prismatc mecha wings, Cool parrying blade
Selling a few extra things...
Kat Claw Cowl elemental med (b/o 7kce)
Snarby cap shock high with Arcane halo (b/o 20kce)
Valkyrie Helm with divine halo, yes it has 2 halos ( b/o 7kce)
Mercurial Mail curse med (b/o 6kce)
Snarbolax Coat Pierce max, with prismatic dragon wings, and ghostly aura ( b/o 13kce)
Wolver coat SLEEP high (b/o 7kce)
Blazebreak shield stun max ( b/o 3kce)
BTB asi med (b/o 5.5kce)
iron dragon helm
Dusky bomb bando
Prismatic glow eyes(b/o 20kce)
regal bomb bando (b/o 1kce)
maidens tear (b/o 20kcrs)
celestial ore (b/o 20kcrs)
Prismatic Mecha wings
Cool Parrying blade
Offer here or mail me
IGN: slungshot
Steam: Slungshot326 - picture is an eagle
Previously sold:
Biohazard: asi high beast med SOLD origin-da-bomber
Blaze break armor with Shadow Dragon Wings SOLD
Black kat cowl Pierce med SOLD
Black kat cowl: fire med SOLD Trimium
Brute jelly shield SOLD
Chroma suit: with chroma welp monster pocket SOLD Rickypeter
Combuster: asi High, ctr med SOLD
Crest of Winter SOLD
Divine extra vertical vents SOLD
Divine wings SOLD
Divine pipe SOLD
Dusker Coat: normal high with wings of fury SOLD Rullerwarriorx
Duster coat: shadow low with hallow wings, love aura and cool canteen SOLD Neliea
Extra tall mod SOLD tomtom
Extra short mod SOLD Lay-Vii
Frosty Parrying blade SOLD ah
Firecracker: gremlin vh, fiend low SOLD ah
Glacius Ctr low asi med SOLD lavatien
Heavenly Iron set: helm shock high, ele max on armor SOLD Niibz
Hunter parrying blade SOLD Subversion
Hunter glasses SOLD
Hunter Fur set SOLD
Magic Cloak: normal high SOLD
Military drags SOLD II-kenshii-II
Moonstone Rose set SOLD elspringer
Prismatic glow eyes SOLD Tigar
Polaris: undead and Ctr low SOLD lavatien
Prismatic extra vertical vents SOLD Kingblazin
Surge dapper combo SOLD Tigar
Surge Toupee SOLD Niibz
Sealed sword: Ctr low SOLD
Sealed Sword: asi med, beast SOLD
Surge glasses SOLD x2 legendarios, el-springer
Surge Scale set SOLD
Surge Toupee SOLD
Skolver cap: shadow med, pierce low, poison low with Divine Halo SOLD
Vitasuit deluxe: fire low, heavy valk wings and heavy wolver tail SOLD Fove
Vitasuit deluxe: with love aura and love puppy monster pocket SOLD
Vitasuit deluxe: with military valk wings, and love aura SOLD Revy
Vitasuit plus: with tails tails, haunted aura, regal canteen SOLD Fove
Vog coat: fire low with volcanic dragon wings, volcanic barrel belly SOLD Tigar
Vog coat shock med with volcanic valk wings SOLD
Volcanic glasses SOLD legendarios
Volcanic salamander suit pierce med with volcanic dragon wings attached SOLD dragonunityhunter
Volcanic extra vertical vents SOLD His-minx
Volcanic mustache SOLD
Wolver Cap: elemental max, fire med pierce low. SOLD
Wolver Cap pierce high gave away to friend
Offer noted..
Added some things,
And made a list of previously sold...
You previously offered 7kce for my Vitasuit Deluxe Fire Low, Heavy Valkyie Wings and Heavy Wolver Tail.
I want to know firstly what you will do with it because you have a similar one already on your thread.
Secondly, you said it is just a costume. If you want me to get a better UV on it to make it worth more, then what UV would you want on it? I can do a few UV rolls and hopefully if I somehow get the one you want, you can raise the price since 7kcr for it is low for a armour with such good and rare accessoies.
Sent you a message in-game about the trade and your request. Add me to meet up. IGN:Il-Kenshi-Il
Just to let you know, the C/O now on the Vitasuit Deluxe stands at 9kce. If ku would like to outbid, give me an offer on my thread. If not, tell me on my thread:
I guess ill have to borrow some of your bacon.........^^
Are you still interested in the Vitasuit Deluxe w/ Fire Low, Heavy Valkyrie Wings and Heavy Wolver Tail attached? If so, you can place another offer on it since the guy who offered 10kce backed out and doesn't want it anymore. I am willig to sell to you if you have any good offers.
Also I see that you have sold a few things recenty that might have gave you a higher amount of CE that you might want to offer on it.
Give me a time when you can be on to do the trade because every time I'm online, your offline and when your online, I'm offline. I can be on at 12:30pm, 2:30pm,4:30pm and 6:30pm (GMT+0)
I know you sold the Vitasuit D to one of your Guildford but for how much? Quite interested on the profit you got

Got any frosty hood and cloak :D?
and how much you willing to pay for the laurel?
IGN: Lastinfamous
Laurel bought...
New stuff..
Organized a little bit..
Vitasuit deluxe: with military valk wings, and love aura
Vitasuit plus: with tails tails, haunted aura, regal canteen
how much for these in ce each if u can give me a set price also i sent u message in game regarding this also
Sold the chroma suit and tails tails costume..
New stuffs..

Hi, I'm looking for the following,
Hallow Mecha Wings,
Hallow Parrying Blade.
If you have them what's the price?

WTB toupee
I have been looking for a toupee so
If there is toupee for sale, I will want the hallow toupee
Sorry no hallow toupees, mecha wing or parrying blade.
Sold vitasuit with love puppy and the other with wings.
New hunter stuff....

Frosty fur coat,hallow parrying blade,frosty parrying blade,hallow and frosty wings do u have? Add me in steam
im sorry but I have decided to use it for another costume
added mercurial helm.
sold merc helm, added snarby helm
2kce on Crest of Winter is my offer