I have had a lot of money and ce spare so i thought why not give some away to a smart knight.
Answer this question
Q: I have a needle shot gun in my hand, I fire it's normal attack at a Ironwood Sentinel's back. WHY?
Answer This Question For a Prize

Because you brought only piercing weapons to the level, and the Needle Shot was the strongest weapon in your loadout at the time.
That's why I've learned to always bring more than one damage type to a level.

were ironwood sentinels weak to pierce? Or had a high Interrupt?

Because you want it's loot/it attacked you/it's endangered?
1. You were trying to commit suicide
2. You were having fun with your friends and you brought the weakest wep (like those proto snarby runs)

This isnt even considered as a question. It makes you stressed trying to figure out the answer lol

u are trolling us becuase ironwood senteniel was taken out of sk at the moment

HMPH! Well, the question is "WHY?". I don't know how to answer this....

He's not trolling, its just a question he made up.. well okay i guess it is troll. but there is a answer to this

He was almost dead , you don't have CTR on it yet, or this is a thread to complain about OP charges.

So you could charge up your gun and unleash it on monsters (possibly in the Unknown Passageway since that's the only place IWS appear anymore)

To attract it's attention from a teammate so it wouldn't smash him?

You missed a silkwing nearby and hit the sentinel instead.

You wanted to challenge yourself by using the wrong weapon at the advantageous monster?

You had a Dmg vs Construct Max on your needle
Or This is a Trick question, because Ironwoods don't exist in-game anymore

There was another enemy in the room. I had a Polaris with my anyways, also I'm not trolling u -.-

Oh just noticed that dusk finder is right. Congrats to him!!!!! Better luck next time guys, ill mail him the prize

Does it matter? You shot it at that Ironwood, because that is the course of action you took, without any further specification, it is quite indeterminable as to what relative situation you would find satisfactory to your question. And, a 'why' question does not have a straight answer, as it is not as simple as a 'yes or no' question, where the answers can be accounted for. By asking 'why' to how a certain circumstance was set up, would be like asking how the universe started, there is no direction as to how this question would find an optimal answer, even if given in that direct of a 'common sense' answer. For goodness sake's we can range from "Because Nick decided to shoot a Spiral Knight's trailer shot and decided to use you to shoot a Ironwood Sentinel in the back." to "Because you were just playing Spiral Knights, and a glitch in the game caused an Ironwood Sentinel to spawn during depth 27 of Vanaduke, with it's back turned to you, and it just so happened that as you stepped on the party button, a meteor pierced the Earth's atmosphere, and as you killed the first wave, it's trajectory came to it having being aimed at your house, and as the ironwood spawned, the meteorite smashed through your roof, and crashed next to you, causing a resulting impact of force, hurling several chunks of debris into the air, and it just so happened that your window was open, and due to the chaos theory, a butterfly in Japan flapped it's wings, which resulted in a hurricane on the coast of Mexico, which led to thermal winds from the sun to be redirected from a fluctuation in the magnetic field to whip wind through your window, blasting away all the debris, which ricocheted off the walls, hitting your hand, leading to you accidentally pressing the shield button at the wrong moment, slowing you down and getting you to get attacked. This all occurred whilst one of your party members had just so happened to have a truck that slipped on a slippery road to crash into another car that swirled past their window, distracting them and making them accidentally revive you, and as you are about to recover from the impact of the meteorite, a piece of your ceiling falls on your hand, causing you to leap up in pain and trip over the meteorite, hit your shelf which tipped over abruptively, sending a portrait to hurl through the air and hit your keyboard, revving you and firing a blast of needles to the back of the glitch spawned Ironwood Sentinel." So as you can hopefully see, the question you have asked is extremely difficult to properly satisfy, due to the innumerable variety of possible answers.

My second guess turned out to be right: he hit the Ironwood by accident.
Still waiting for my prize though.

Silkwings.....*picks one up and flings it far* they're just too elusive...

Moar questions? And prizes? :D
And, what did Hex get? :D

That's Duskfinder o.O....I want what you're smoking....

Because its Back must have been Aching of stiffness from standing all those years?

So you're asking why you shot at a Sentinel at Beta?
Well, for all the Vog-darned reasons not to, there isn't much reason not to if you're good enough to want to prolong your fights.

Oh, Duskfinder's avatar reminded me of Hexzyle. :D

Cuz when he dies he look back and says "Who did this to me?"

Why are people still answering the question?
Proves that no one reads posts that come before them. D:

I read everything. I just find this unfair and pointless, considering the endless possible answers it might have.

I am a jelly and also a cube but you may know who. I am faceless but i gurantee you a certain drop that a prize wheel can pop.
p.s it doesnt have to rhyme!!

I'm pretty sure there are no monsters that "guarantee" a certain prize from the wheel...

Im harmless to you alone but when with mixed with something im deadlier than what that something is alone. What am I?
Either a) Occam's razor says you were confident enough that you could do shoot it with no negative repercussions whatsoever (probably because there were no enemies nearby nor would any spawn after its death, and it health was negligible), or b) You underwent a MOSS (Moment Of Sudden Stupidity) where you mind detached from your body, your actions from their causes and you just went around unaware of what you were doing until you found yourself pressing shooting a newly-spawned Ironwood Sentinel in the back TL;DR You derped.