Wed, 05/29/2013 - 00:59

Wed, 05/29/2013 - 13:54

i'm sorry
i'm sorry to shatter dreams and break hearts. But a wolver set of shadow max wouldn't net you either of the new costume armors, let alone one piece. I don't think vog/skolver shadow max sets would trade for one of these pieces. :-/
You'd probably have to look long and hard to even trade max pierce/shock skolver set for one.
If you truly desire them, its best to pony up for them now, as they'll only increase in value after the promo and they become rare. They will never be more common than they are now, short of them being rereleased later on.
just my opinion.
Thu, 05/30/2013 - 07:36

You are right man
It's only your opinion.
Those new costumes will go cheaper soon. Moreover It's just a costumes, but real armor is something more important.