This is for YouTube ask some good questions and your question could get in the video. I was a new recruit once as well XD
Q and A ask me random questions about the game and i will try to answer XD. even weird ones
Do you know how to catch a snipe?
And do you know how to being frozen like this?
Wha?!OOO should not delete it lol
I want that bug back just for a day ....
How many spine cones can your knight eat in a minute?
- What type of game do you view this to be?
- What skill level would you recommend new players have?
- How would you tell new people about Spiral Knights?
Just wondering when would the video be up?
[EDIT] Have you forgot to move the other copy to the graveyard section?
what has more potential Damage-Per-Second, a Nitronome, or a Deadly Shard Bomb?
Well then
- Do you care about the gender choices in-game?
- How do knights eat?
- Do knights have fingers?
What weapon is the best for interrupting the attacks of a Giant Lichen Colony?
Do you want to buy one of my home made Snipe Pies?
... Seriously now, is it possible to evade the Roarmulus Twin's laser attack when both are using it at the same time?
Which enemy is the hardest to take down?
I'll probably think of more later. Probably.
OK more Question
1.Can you tell them How to This?
2.Can you tell me how to get rid of begger? (serious question)
the video will be up very soon check the forums on new recruits for the link (there will be a new post).
Do you... awww, about game?
Do your knight like potatoes?