What games do you guys(and girls) play when you aren't playing Spiral Knights, if any? I usually play fighters like the new Injustice, Playstation allstars: Battle Royal(if you can call that a fighter) and recently, Crash Bandicoot 2 for the PS1.
Video games outside of sk,.
Man, do I love me some twisted metal. I haven't got the PS3 version, but I bought the original one for the PS1. I know about half of those games. I don't the games for the mobile phones because I got a phone that ok, but not a smartphone. All I got on there is sudoku lol. I also enjoy playing different genres of games. I enjoy action/adventure games like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Spyro. The racing and combat racing genre like Mario Kart, Need for speed, Grand Turismo, and Crash Nitro Kart. The fighting genre, as you already know. The shooters like BorderLands, and Vanquish(a really good third-person shooter that breaks the mold of CoD. platformers like Mario, Sonic, Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, and Spyro. And lastly Rpg's.As you can see, I'm a pretty well rounded gamer lol.
The video goes black for about a minute, so just skip that part. It is pretty engaging, and fast-paced. However, the story is pretty generic. You work for the army, then a guy threatens the earth. But the guy is not alone, he has robots working for him. So your job is to fight through them and kill the guy who is in control of them. But it is definitely worth getting. I got it from the playstation network store but I'm not sure if it is still there. It is also available for the Xbox.
That game has PERFECT graphics (not just for its time), a PERFECT story, a PERFECT combat system, and a PERFECT final boss. Get it now with a GameCube controller and a GameCube memory card and a GameCube/Wii. No flaws what so ever.
Your right that it has no flaws.Everything in that game works out smoothly.When I first fought the final boss, I was like 150 HP?!?! A good portion of my time was playing paper mario and the thousand year door.I still have the disk, along with my gamecube.
I am working on beating it a third time. But I have been stuck on Grodus for a few weeks. Its hard to have to tattle for two turns then switch to a decent partner.
I miss gamecube disks. I mean I could still play the disk, it's just that I lost my memory card.
@ usevn Ik. Especially since after that battle, you have to fight bowser.By that time, your health is low and most of your stuff is gone.
@Blade =( that does suck.All that hard work.
I'm currently trying to beat all of my Touhou games on Lunatic. Haven't played Elsword recently (busy with touhou). Is my game list is a bit strange?
So yea I like a variety of genres! I'm always up for trying new games.