Laaaaadieees and Gentlemen, may I have your attention!
Announcer:Welcome to the annual Happy Vs Healthy Tournament!!
Crowd's claps..
Announcer:This shall be the first non-toxic, hateful, and egotistical 1v1 Tourney! I want everyone to have fun, laughs and enjoy their matches or spectating. This Tourney isn't only for showing skill, but to show how friendly is the LD community and sportsmanship. Guess what? It's for free! And you know what? There are prizes!! (Humbles ones they are... No 1million crowns for the winner...)
1. Auto-Target is allowed, you can use it if you want.
2. All Classes are allowed.
3. All Weapons are allowed.
4. No Entry Fees.
5. No Healing by any means. (Guardian, Health Pads throughout the map or the base. )
6. No swearing or cursing the other player, keep it clean. (Violating this rule might lead to disqualification.)
7. No accusing for using a specific weapon or AT. You don't like it, don't use it.
8. No need for recording, it's optional.
9. Trinkets are allowed.
10. UVs are allowed.
11. All armors and helms are allowed.
12. If you are a recon, you should cloak the moment the judge says GO!
(The Players):
While this is my first Tourney ever, and because of the lack of experience in organizing events, I will keep this Tourney small and for 16 players only. I will make a 32 one if we hopefully succeed in this one. ( WE WILL! )
(The Rounds and Matches):
1st Round:
The 1st Round is divided into 4 Groups with 4 players in each one. Each player will fight in 3 matches. The matches are out of 5, but it works differently than other tournaments. The first player to reach 5 kills in the duel wins. That means, the matches doesn't end at 3-0, in fact, someone can lose 3 times in row then flip the table and kill the enemy 5 times.
Win= 3 points
Loss= 1 point
2nd Round:
The player with the highest number of points moves to the 2nd Round. The 2nd Round consists of 2 matches.
Winner from Group A vs Winner from Group C
Winner from Group B vs Winner from Group D
The matches are the same in the 1st Round.
3rd Round (The Final):
The winners from 2nd Round matches will fight in the Finale (DUH!)
The match is same as in Round 1 and 2.
1st place gets 115k cr
2nd place gets 65k cr
3rd and 4th places get 10 Enamorocks <3
Prizes provided by: Coldness-Xxdragneel-Oh-Quiet-You-Addisona-Darkemo-Benightz
(Judges and how to form the matches):
The judges are: Xxdragneel - Daystorm - Coldness - Oh-Quiet-You - Grimranger (Might add more judges later.)
The matches are counted if only one of them is in the match at least. If the two players are ready for the duel, 2 guilds will synch into GvG Lockdown. When the matches starts, nobody shall capture a point, everyone goes to the top or the chosen point before the match. So please, for trolls out there, don't ruin the match by capping a point or kill the other team. Doing that will harm the Tourney and delay it.
Edit 1: If the opponents are US vs EU, 3 matches will played at EU first. If the EU player wins 3-0, he gets the 3 points. If the US player manages to get 1 kill, then we go to US server to play 2 matches. If he manages to get 2-0, the US player wins. In case it's US vs US, then it will be played on US server. In case it's EU vs EU, it will be played on EU server. (Little biased to EU, sorry!)
(Date and Time):
I am still not sure when the Tournament will start, but I am aiming to start it in 25th of June. So, if you are interested in joining, write down in the comments below that you want to join. After we get 16 players ready, I will make a draw and then make the Groups Table down. It's also preferable if you write down your timezone, so we can know when to hold a match or not. Because the Tournament is going to be on EU server, the timezones of most players are going to be GMT, GMT +1, +2, +3, so measure on that.
In the end, I'd like to thank you if you read the whole text, because it's tireful, I know...
~Dragneel from The Fallen.
EDIT1: Edited the Server section and the Rules section.
Registered Players:
1. Redblades - US
2. Grimranger - US
3. Xxdragneel - EU
4. Xhaba - EU
5. Snarkey - US
6. Zeddy - EU
7. Coldness - EU
8. Icegill - US
9. Autofire - US
10. Son-Of-Hades - US
11. Krakob - EU
12. Cestinxmono - US
13. Coolnew - EU
14. Boodo - US
15. Benightz - US
16. Canozo - US
Group A:
-Canozo Played: 1 Wins: 0 Loss: 1 Total Points: 1 Point
-Boodo Played: 1 Wins: 0 Loss: 1 Total Points: 1 Point
-Snarkey Played: 3 Wins: 3 Loss: 0 Total Points: 9 Points
-Son-Of-Hades Played: 1 Wins: 0 Loss: 1 Total Points: 1
Group B:
-Xxdragneel Played: 2 Wins: 2 Loss: 0 Total Points: 6 Points
-Xhaba (Left the tournament due to personal conditions)
-Zeddy Played: 2 Wins: 0 Loss: 2 Total Points: 2 Points
-Krakob Played: 2 Wins: 1 Loss: 1 Total Points: 4 Points
Group C:
Redblades Played: 2 Wins: 2 Loss: 0 Total Points: 6 Points
Grimranger Played: 2 Wins: 1 Loss: 1 Total Points: 4 Points
Cestinxmono Played: 2 Wins: 1 Loss: 1 Total Points: 4 Points
Autofire Played: 2 Wins: 0 Loss: 2 Total Points: 2 Points (Left the tournament)
Group D:
-Icegill Played: 3 Wins: 3 Loss: 0 Total Points: 9 Points
-Coolnew Played: 3 Wins: 1 Loss: 2 Total Points: 5 Points
-Coldness Played: 3 Wins: 2 Loss: 1 Total Points: 7 Points
-Benightz Played: 3 Wins: 0 Loss: 3 Total Points: 3 Points
Winner of Group B: Xxdragneel with 6 points ( played 2 matches because one of the group left the tourney )
Winner of Group D: Icegill with 9 points ( played 3 matches )
Winner of Group A: Snarkey with 9 points ( played 3 matches )
Winner of Group C: Redblades with 6 points ( played 2 matches )
2nd Round matches:
Icegill vs Dragneel 0-5 ( Icegill forfeited )
Snarkey vs Redblades 4-5 ( Redblades wins )
Grande Finale:
Redblades vs Dragneel