Everywhere! What do?

Switch haven.
Log off.
I've never really encountered anyone but one person who asked me specifically for anything free (I've helped random people on my own will), but if it got bad, I'd do what I wrote.

- Left-click player in question.
- Go down to the option that says 'Ignore'
- Click the 'Ignore' option.
- Congratulations, you will now no longer receive requests from this player.
But the swarm. Like zerglings! Can. not. ignore. fast. enough askdagsfa.

Find tarp in Haven that is big enough to hide you.
Hide under tarp.
Chuckle to self as beggars run around trying to find you.
Well that's simple, invest in some Firebats or Hellions.
Only with a cliff nearby or a wall of Zealots. Otherwise it's bad Juju.
runs into depth0. Join friend in a different haven.
Name one online game without beggars.
bullet to the head, solves everything.
Seriously, thought I've even been harassed by a few of the little buggers. It's also not to say I haven't helped with an item or a crown amount here and there for a poor unfortunate individual but yah.
How bout, Blackops? Wait, they don't beg, they camp.
@Rap "can u be my 2v2 partner? boost me plz"
I'm betting someone's done it.
Touche, I retract the above and eat my words.
I've tried all the suggestions above. They're bad man, its like that movie: 28 weeks later. They can SMELL you out and find you. There is no escape, no sanctuary.
/complain [name]
Ignoring just means they'll go bug others. If they really are harassing you, we has GMs for a reason.
I've told them to run T1 to start building wealth, and told them that they are annoying other players. They leave me alone after that.
I've tried all the suggestions above. They're bad man, its like that movie: 28 weeks later. They can SMELL you out and find you. There is no escape, no sanctuary.
*creepy clown voice from Brave Little Toaster* Run.
Beggars are everywhere, yes, although it seems they have been popping up more often now!
Usually, I can go through a whole day sitting on Haven getting only at most 5 trade/friend requests.
Now it's 5 every two hours! You can't get peace when 25 different individuals come up to you all "PLZ ITMS PLS PLS BE M FRND".
But I've found that saying "Enough harassing/spamming, that's enough for me to report you" is effective and causes 90% of them to run away like scared little chickens.

I really dislike the ones that initiate a trade request without offering or asking.
I really dislike the ones that initiate a trade request without offering or asking.
That's where I ask them, "And you would want?"
One day, the core will rip open and spread devastation throughout the clockworks, all the way up to the haven, and I'll come back to the surface with literally unlimited energy, and the beggars will all look up and shout 'enrgy plz.'
And I will whisper 'Piss off.'
I think we have to start blending in. Quick, put on your proto gear! There's not much hope left community. We have to be hidden amongst the beggars to go about business undetected.
Hurry, before they infect you too!
I've heard of high-level people dressing their characters down in proto gear and begging just to see if they can mooch off of others for "fun"
Very annoying, whether or not they're really new.
P.S @RapBreon: They started begging my firebats and hellions for +1/+1 upgrades too..
oh jesus, yeah, lots of random trades lately..
I hadn't actually been in bazaar much, like never, I just chill in arcade, but yesterday when I went back in, like 50 trades popped up.

Wear your proto gear and look poor that should help you out =)
Way too much begging going on lately. And the random unsolicited trades... Had someone hit trade on me as fast as I could hit "No Thanks" the other day. Finally got to the Instance Select window and got out of there. Sent him a tell from another Haven warning him to never do that again; that it was harassment. When I went back, I'm pretty sure he was doing the same thing to someone else, but that guy wouldn't confirm it to me. Woulda complained if he had...
I've taken to wearing my Proto or Groundbreaker gear when I'm in Haven, just so I can do my trading. No one should have to do that.
And, no, I never beg while wearing Proto. Well, except from Magnus to share a little of his awesomeness with me. Pleeeez, jst a lttle!!!!1!

Its a MMO, there are ALWAYS beggars, just like there is always lag. Go on any MMO and you'll find people begging for money, items, cash shop currency. Typically its kids that have never had to actually work for anything, see people with good gear, and go "they have plenty! they can give me some!" instead of going dungeoning and actually getting their own stuff.
I personally like writing down the name, going on a tier 3 run, send them a whisper saying you'll give them what they were begging for, then inviting them to the party and letting them get killed... then again I'm rather vindictive. Technically its true... there's plenty of crowns in tier 3, and plenty of energy(assuming you convert your crowns to it)
That's actually pretty smart. If they die you get satisfaction, if they don't they leave you alone.

>.> I wear my groundbreaker as a costume all the time...I actually didn't know what my demo armor looked like for awhile because I'd upgrade but still leave the costume on lol...

Yes, I was the person who was getting mobbed by beggars, saying that I have good gear, and because I have good gear, I have to give them free stuff.
They would not leave me alone. They are like bees. You can't get rid of them.
But one way to get rid of them is to just quickly teleport to your guild hall, if you are in a guild.
/complain might work, but if you are being mobbed by 15 of them, it's just doesn't work. ;3;
You can hide a trade. Then they can't send another trade request.
This game definitely isn't for beggars since you definitely won't make it far if you have to ask for things.
Most of the community spends their time trying to hustle up some Crown and/or Energy. If you can't do your hustles then this game just isn't for you.
Begging for +1/+1 upgrades? Cheap beggars, mine beg for 3/3.

Hatch 400 Zerglings.
Command lings to burrow.
Lead beggars to burrowed lings.
Command lings to unburrow and kill beggars.
wrong Question imo, should be name one MMORPG without beggars.
or else answers will be DotA, SC2, LoL, HoN, and list goes on~
You have OP commander skills then, mine seem to cap out at three? Is it a Grand master league only thing? Imagine +5 marines...nom nom nom nom.
So wait, begging is actually a reportable offense? Please say yes please say yes please say yes.
If it's not crowns, it's CE. If it's not CE, it's mats. If it's not mats, they want me to craft something for free. Next they'll want my blood! I say no! It's MY blood! You can't have it!

I love the " silent" trade requests, I right away say ...OMG did I win??? What did I get, huh huh ? .................This totally baffles them and they leave me alone. LOL

Today I got begged, so I spammed "0" in the crowns and crystal energy spots and then he traded an owlite feather and nightshade for it.
1. Spam "0" in CE and CR slots
2. Let them trade items for your 0 CR & CE
3. ???
4. Profit
If your kind-hearted, pitiful and have positive karma...
- Give them what they want, or at least something that'll make them stop.
If your normally neutral and has neutral karma...
- Ignore them.
- Ignore ALL of them.
- Log out.
- Switch haven, switch haven and switch haven.
If your EVIL !!!, have -666 karma and doesn't care what happens in the world...
- Complain them.
- Complain ALL of them.
- Use @*#& !*@**@( !@*@*&#%^% @#(*^!(@(@^& @&& @#*(!&#^^^#@&^#*@%&#&@ !!!!!!!!! langauge against them.
Problem Solved.
earlier a friend was litterally mobbed with 10 beggars, chasing him around all up in his space.