Bossy Squad is a very friendly guild that accepts any active players willing to have fun and be a part of the family. This guild was created to build a strong group of friends to help every member's development in the game. At the moment the Bossy Squad is a relatively small guild and is recruiting. BSQ offers:
• No Upkeep
• Friendly Guildmates
• Lot of Assistance on rank missions.
Get in touch if you're interested, the only requirement is that you are an ACTIVE player and somewhat mature.
• No 'Begging'
• No Disrespect
• No Premature Promotions
• Do Help on all Guildmates missions when you can
• Do Be Friendly and Polite
• Do Have endless amounts of fun :)
Visit our Guild Page for more information.
If you wish to join, please contact Bossylife in-game via pm to talk about joining. We hope that you enjoy your stay, as we certainly will be :)
Hello there!
Try to work on your guild hall, because No Upkeep means a non-expanded Guild Hall :P
Perhaps make your guild hall look nice, then write No Compulsory Upkeep (Donations loved!) or something XD
Very nice forum post :)
Good luck with your guild!
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