Is there a way to pause the game? By that, I don't mean bringing up the options. I mean stopping enemies from moving in while you're afk and killing you. More than once I've had to step away from the keyboard to do something and tried to move to a safer place away from the mobs only to come back to the revival screen. I don't pay for energy and I'm fine with just going back to the quest the next day, but it gets annoying. Any help?
Pausing the game.
You can't pause the internet. Other players would be annoyed.
"You can't pause the internet."
What would happend if you did? (Joking)
No you cannot pause on Solo. Because Solo is still on the Internet. Just like Diablo 3 and Sim City (the crappy new one), You must be always online even when solo. Except with Spiral Knights at least that makes sense, whereas for the other games it does not.
What would be the problem of pausing when on solo? (not open party) I can see that being easily incorporated into the game.
Ellthan-Cosmolion posted
"What would be the problem of pausing when on solo? (not open party) I can see that being easily incorporated into the game."
Well you still have to have an internet connection right? So if you wanted to "pause" that'd mean you would "pause" everything on the server not to mention other people are using the server.
The main problem would be if someone tries to talk to you. You have the game paused, so you're effectively cut off from the internet (or at least to the games servers). Since people talk to you via the internet, well, let's just say that'd be problematic.
Is it true that some new people who play this game. Always play with gamepad. which feel familiar with other console game. so they want to pause the game as console can do?
P.S. Do someone confuse?
So is it that difficult to add an option that freezes you knight and the monsters in the game!?? Chat, and everything doesn't have to be frozen just the knight and the monsters, you can still chat and do other things while frozen, just not move or fight, what problems would this cause?
That is understanding, as I do play on consoles. However, I don't mess around with gamepads. I just use the keyboard, but that's just me. I'm sure other people use different methods to play games on computers.
If you paused, your char didn't die. If your char didn't die, you cannot mist/ce revive. Huge problem there. More work for less pay.
Everyone stop now. In this thread a guy asked if there's a way to pause the game right now. The answer is no.
If you want to discuss a new pause option, start a thread in suggestions.
I think people here are being too shortsighted. Most multi-player games that have a party or lobby system with a small amount of players allows pause. Take for example MOBA games (eg. DOTA 2, LoL). Anyone in the game can pause if need be, and anyone can unpause as well. Spiral Knights is a pseudo-MMO, as it works with a party system, where only a small amount of people are actually playing together during missions or on the arcade. A pause button would not only be possible, but also welcome.
Nope, sorry. 'Tis an MMO, not a console.