Ni hao! (That means hello). We're Declassified, and we wanna recruit all tiers! (Y'know, in case you didn't read the title). We're, like maybe a day old ATM, so we need lots of recruits! Unfortunately, that also means our GH is, well, substandard, but it's a work in progress.
Alright, might as well get the boring stuff out of the way; the rules:
•No spamming. At all. Ever. OK maybe a little, but just don't go insane with it. xP
•No begging. This one is more serious in terms of being annoying. It gets on my nerves personally, and, well, if nobody gives you what you want the first time, the second or third time won't help. Asking for help once every now and then is fine, but don't keep asking if people don't say yes.
•No being a downer. Really. It screws up the guild's mood. We understand if you have a bad day, but just try not to take it out on us, yeah? xP
•No harassing other guildmates.
•You don't have to pay a tax! Yay! Sure, it looks good for promotions, but it's absolutely not required to get promoted.
•Try not to be inactive for more than a month or two. If you're a recruit, you get removed. Members, Veterans, Officers, and GMs get demoted. Of course, as soon as you come back this gets reversed, but it looks bad if all of our Officers haven't been on since last March. This is all null and void if you inform a GM or Officer you'll be gone though. It doesn't have to be a fancy-shmancy leave of absence notice; just make sure we know you won't be on for a while. xP
Just a little more boring stuff, I promise; this is about punishments, promotions, things like that.
•To get promoted, you can either show responsibility, be active for a certain amount of time (enough to be relatively well-known), or donate to the guild (that last one stops working at Veteran. Can't have our Officers being bribers now. xP). Also, Officers are decided by GMs and Officers, and GMs are decided only by the GMs (occasionally if we can't make up our mind we'll ask everyone else to vote on it).
•For begging, you first get a warning or two, depending on how far you go with it, then you get to pay, like, a 200 cr fine, then a 500 one, then we start demoting. Seriously, the begging is annoying. (Begging for a promotion'll count against you if we ever consider promoting you, nothing too major.)
•Harassment: This one's very serious; the first time you get caught doing it, it's a demotion. The second time's a kick. (We're talking about things along the lines of stalking, insulting, stuff like that).
Alrighty. Now that that boring stuffs out of the way, we get to the formalities! Sure, they're still not great fun, but it's better than all that serious **** I wrote up there.
Selation-Evatus- That's me! I'm the head GM. I like guns. You insult them in front of me, I kill you. OK, not really, but seriously, I like guns. As far as I know I'm the typical gunner, apart from having 4* armor and using a sword as a secondary weapon, instead of another gun. I also spent 2 hours making this thread because I have no idea how to advertise a guild; feel free to mock me about that. I completely SUCK at LD, but my fellow GM, Sintag, is pretty good at it; I'm better at BN. I also keep forgetting about the existence of dash, and my spelling usually makes an 8 year old look like a spelling genius. I'm also pretty insane (or so I'm told, but they can't prove anything ^_^). I've done all the boss runs (except SLs), despite technically being a Knight Elite (Stupid swiftstrike won't go to 5 star D:).
Sintag- My fellow GM. He's more of a sword user. He also managed to convince me to try a sword out (though my Vile Striker still remains the only sword I own). He also constantly pesters me about getting something with knock back, even after the shield bash was introduced. He's done all of the boss runs, and, as far as I know, at least the Snarby SL. If you're into LD, go to him, NOT ME. He also actually has 5* armor and a shield that actually works as a shield, but who needs defense when you can stay away from things and not get hit at all? >:3
Windpathy- Currently our only Officer, against her will (I'm being serious; for some reason she likes being at member rank...). She remains the only person I know to actually use a Royal Jelly Shield, and it actually doesn't work too badly. She's way more insane than I am, though; she's like the prankster of the guild. Try not to take her too seriously (or listen to her at all...), because half the insults she says are really her joking around. The other half are directed at me. She tends to bend the rules a lot, but we let that slide because we've known her for a while; she knows where to draw the line (though knowing her, she'll probably draw a crooked one).
Now, finally, this annoying application thing. Most of the questions are just general ones to help us improve the guild, but a few of them are actually important that we know (Your IGN, for instance).
1. What's your IGN (In Game Name)?:
2. How long have you been playing SK?:
3. What Tier are you, and what bosses have you fought?:
4. What's your favorite boss and why?:
5. What's your favorite weapon and why?:
6. Do you like to play PvP (LD or BN)?:
7. What came first, the chicken or the egg?:
8. What's your favorite status effect (to have on enemies)?:
9. What's your least favorite status effect (to have on yourself)?:
10. Would you be for, or against, Guild runs and events?:
11. About how often do you come online in a week?:
12. Did you enjoy reading this thread (because I hated writing it, it's so WEIRD)?:
You can either post the answers here, or send them in a mail to me, Sin, or Wind; we should get back in a week or so. And if this completely sucked, sorry 'bout that; I've never advertised anything before. xD
~Sel, and the rest of Declassified.
Also I look forward to seeing the rest of the guild (if you accept me) on thursday June 20.