Finding The Third Troika
Fehzor: Are there any just shock themed levels?
Fehzor: Or I wonder if there is a place for third troika to drop at
Zeddy: hm
Zeddy: it'd have to be T3, right?
Fehzor: Yea
Fehzor: GitM should be considered construct/gremlin/shock
Zeddy: gremlin?
Zeddy: Wait no construct/undead/shock. Right.
Fehzor: Do me a favor and look through this
Fehzor: For troika drops
Zeddy: which page do I start at?
Fehzor: The first
Fehzor: I'm interested in 2 things-
Fehzor: Where have people found troikas
Fehzor: And what 4/5* drops have people found on shock levels that come from the shock theme?
Zeddy: hm
Zeddy: this isn't very helpful
Zeddy: this guy found a troika
Zeddy: but all he says is that it was a Tier 1 arena
Zeddy: depth 4-6
Zeddy: [Craver] doesn't even state the theme
Fehzor: What level?
Fehzor: Drops depend on theme and level
Zeddy: I know
Zeddy: and he doesn't say
Zeddy: this one isn't helpful either :\
Zeddy: "Saw a Teammate find a Kamarin in the beginning of a tier 3 Clockwork Tunnels level in a green box in the small room with boxes before the party button."
Zeddy: clockwork tunnel can be anything, you [Craver]
Zeddy: I guess non-status though
Fehzor: So they found it on CT
Fehzor: That is helpful to some extent.
Fehzor: Except that it doesn't give theme.
Zeddy: but he could just as well mean a fire-themed clockwork tunnel for all we know
Fehzor: Could be
Fehzor: Keep in mind that statusless = nothing
Fehzor: There are no statusless drops to my knowledge.
Zeddy: I think your best bet is danger rooms in shock-thened clockwork passages
Fehzor: Thats what I'm thinking right now.
Fehzor: But shock arenas might be plausible as well
Zeddy: those to
Fehzor: Also look for spur
Fehzor: Found outside of treasure vaults
Fehzor: Cuz I don't think its possible to find winmillion line outside of that
Fehzor: But there could be a statusless theme
Fehzor: Item: Troika
Depth 4-6; Tier 1
Stage: Arena
Fehzor: Arenas are a go
Fehzor: But what type of arena?
Fehzor: Lol
Fehzor: What interests me is that people have found other items in treasure vaults.
Fehzor: All are normal weapons
Fehzor: It seems like treasure vaults are treasure vault and beast/slime themed.
Fehzor: As beast/slime are the same theme.
Knockback on Bombs
Fehzor: What would you think about removing knockback from nitronome/shard bombs?
Zeddy: some would like it, I'm aware
Zeddy: I think it'd take all the fun out of them
Fehzor: They'd have knockdown instead?
Zeddy: What do you mean instead
Zeddy: would they have extra knockdown compared to now?
Fehzor: Well, I suppose not more than DBB has
Fehzor: I do think that it would make them boring
Zeddy: Nitro already has that much
Zeddy: and shards already have more
Fehzor: True
Fehzor: I think that thats one of the big reasosn that nitro doesn't see much use by randoms
Fehzor: No one wants to deal with enemies being knocked every which way
Fehzor: Of course, DBB sees not much use either
Fehzor: Compared to something like Combuster.
Zeddy: removing NItronome would also be horrible for Lockdown
Zeddy: and, you know, places that are now good places for Nitronome
Zeddy: it's a good utility bomb
Fehzor: What if you made nitronome have no knockback, gave irontech destroyer Nitro's current walk speed (but removed the stun) and then made bab charge slightly faster?
Zeddy: hm
Zeddy: It could work
Zeddy: it would diversify the bombs
Fehzor: Because no one uses irontech.
Fehzor: I agree that its usable and even "good"
Fehzor: But it doesn't see use by most players.
Zeddy: Nitro would become kind of trash and also feel boring
Fehzor: I raise you dark briar barrage
Zeddy: yeah but that's the thing
Zeddy: we already have Dark Briar Barrage
Zeddy: nitro would be a DBB for, what, jellies and constructs?
Fehzor: What do people say about it? Its best at 2 things- gremlins and beasts
Fehzor: Nitro would be good at gremlins (same as DBB) but also construct.
Fehzor: So it would have a niche.
Fehzor: Not as good a niche as if it just dealt dark damage though
Zeddy: hm
Zeddy: let's not touch Nitronome
Zeddy: how about 5* deconstructor has no knockback?
Fehzor: Now thats something I would agree with you on.
Zeddy: it could have a cool graphical effect and we could call it something like the "Wave rippler" or whatever
Fehzor: That does work a lot better
Fehzor: Though I'd much rather see it turn into the actual demo bomb that is thrown like a frisbee and is awesome.
Zeddy: yes, that'd be neato
Fehzor: But I doubt that will happen XD
Fehzor: It'd be hard to balance, what with shard bombs.
Fehzor: It would pretty much instantly outclass them at most things
Why yes, this is just us talking on steam and then me editing out Zeddy cursing and me saying every day fraises. But its still interesting. What do you guys think? And more importantly, have you found a troika line weapon of any sort and if so where? This goes for triglav/grintovec type stuff.
I found a Spiral Plate mail in a CW tunnels... but I forget if it was Poison or normal. I think normal.