Is this really okay? You lose the energy cost of the level this way. Kind of ties in to the short idling time. What if you've died a number of times and paid for resurrections, only to take a short break between attempts at victory and find yourself in town afterwards? All of that energy is forfeit.
Auto-kicked to town after being dead for x amount of time
Gura you can prevent that from happening yourself by ASKING the party if you are allowed to join..
Mm and talbain, have you bugged it? I have had this once before quite a while ago in my noob moments. (and forgot to bug it) I died, and a very little while later I got zapped back to town, even though I could have been revived with energy. I'm not sure if there's an intended mechanism behind this all or not though.
Yes, Yes you can prevent it like that, but technically, if they go in with 2 people and don't want anyone else to join, they can limit the party to two people or "friends", if someone joined me mid-dungeon, I'd tell them to finish this floor and leave or I'd kick them, I wouldn't let them totally waste 10 energy on nothing.
A related bug: if you click to revive, but don't have enough energy, the menu disappears.
Also, on the elevator, if you don't have enough energy for the next floor, you can't access the marketplace to buy more. The only options are to leave or buy energy from the website.
I have repeatedly F2'd that "auto kick back to town" issue.
It is most annoying when typing in an F2 report, only to have the "town kick" before you're done.
@Shroom: I also can't stop suggesting an "add party member to elevator tab" option once everybody's already on the elevator. It just happens sometimes that you don't realize someone is out of energy, until it's too late. There should be a way to cancel the elevator ride, or to add someone to the tab on the fly.
Another thing that's slightly irksome is if one person is standing on the elevator after however long of a time the rest of the party is magically teleported to that elevator and the level is ended.
Are you sure cyclo? I've had it before when a party-member afk'd half way around the level. The other guy and I were waiting at the elevator for quite a while, and it took till the afk'er idle'd out before we moved on to the next level. Or does it take over 10 minutes?
Positive, we had two people alive in an infernal passage on was on the gate, one was keeping the devilites busy. He didn't die but we got forced to descend anyway which was lame as we were waiting for the TV.
I don't think you can count on much dev's sympathy there though :P Their idea is that you get a "random" gate every time, and not pick your own trail?
@Kaybol: You -can- add someone to your tab once everyone's on the elevator. When it says "*person* doesn't have enough energy", a drop down menu appears next to their portrait on the top left, which allows you to tab them.
If you don't want random people joining your party then lock it. It's not our fault the party leader doesn't know how to properly set up their party. Yes you could ask in tells and blah blah, but the main way to prevent stuff like this is for the party leader to not just leave the party open.
Koji, it's not my problem really. If I forget it, and people are rude enough to simply join, then it's their 10 energy wasted. I don't care.
If they want me to get a random level every time why is there A. a pictoral representation of the next level type on the elevator, and B. a gate map visible to me when I am in the level. ALso my point was that the rest of the party shouldn't suffer if some dood runs the last half of a level after the last party button and sits on the elevator while the rest of the party is beating up the stuffs, especially if said elevator sitter is the party leader.
@Cyclo: the thing with the elevator going down after someone's been standing on it for a long time, is in place so that you don't have to wait endlessly for certain party members to hop on the elevator. They might be afk or simply trying to be particularly pesky by running circles instead of hopping on (or a variety of other reasons).
The quick fix: don't stand on the elevator if you don't want to go down. Parties are about coordination between players, so you should be able to coordinate this one.
If you still feel like debating your point, I'd be interested to know what kind of fix you'd propose for this? Since your interest (NOT going down while on the elevator) conflicts with some other people's interest (going down when someone doesn't hop on the elevator).
Chronus (as Icarus) and I were doing Firestorm Citadel together, and got to Vanaduke without much trouble. It was around his 3rd Touhou phase where everything was going wrong. Chronus was essentially perma-dead where he was, and whenever I died I had to leave and rejoin. Simple, right?
WRONG. At one point when I tried to rejoin, Chronus popped up beside me in the Arcade, without his consent. Right before I came back, too.
Apparently, the dungeon doesn't kick the party that is dead and doesn't rez. It kicks the player that is dead and doesn't rez.
This is not right. What if it simply takes a long time for the party to get health for resurrecting the player, only to have him vanish just after they get it to him or her? SL disapproves!
@Cyclo: the thing with the elevator going down after someone's been standing on it for a long time, is in place so that you don't have to wait endlessly for certain party members to hop on the elevator. They might be afk or simply trying to be particularly pesky by running circles instead of hopping on (or a variety of other reasons).
- I understand why its in place, I just don't necessarily agree with it. Just because I dislike something about a game mechanic, doesn't mean I don't understand that mechanic.
The quick fix: don't stand on the elevator if you don't want to go down. Parties are about coordination between players, so you should be able to coordinate this one.
- First part- Yeah duh. Second Part- I agree with you, however why should 3/4 people in a party who are coordinating be penalized for the fourth person in the party who isn't?
If you still feel like debating your point, I'd be interested to know what kind of fix you'd propose for this? Since your interest (NOT going down while on the elevator) conflicts with some other people's interest (going down when someone doesn't hop on the elevator).
- In both the autokick back to town and the auto force down the elevator I propose a visual timer that everyone in the party can see. Something like that continue screen you get in arcades when you die and they want more quarters. Example with flavor text "Alas fair knights ye have all perished at the hands of these unmerciful creatures you have 30 seconds to awaken before the clockworks mercifully kick ye back to town!" or in the elevator example "Knight X has decided ye are ready to move on! If this is not the case please evacuate the elevator within 30 seconds!"
- Also my interest isn't that the elevator doesn't go down if most of the party IS on it, it is that the elevator doesn't go down if most of the party ISN'T on it but since you asked so nicely I provided a fix anyway.
SL, you are missing another possibility. When you left, Chronus ended up being the only person in the party, right? So my guess rather goes to the auto-kick when you're dead alone for a certain amount of time. Both ways are possible though, I just wouldn't quite see why a dev would implement a system that would be exactly how you described it. A dead party-member doesn't really stop you after all, he or she gets teleported along to every party-button and to the elevator as well.
@Cyclo: good suggestions IMO. I could see that implemented. And that should satisfy most people.
Regardless of mechanics, this idle boot is completely unnecessary. We cannot take a 15+ minute break without having to put a weight on our keyboard or move the mouse ever 10 minute or so. With death, however, there is absolutely nothing we can do.
I say bump up this idle boot timeout to something more reasonable, say 60 minutes, and the death one to 30 minutes. Also, whether or not this is how it works, members should not be booted from their still-living party if they have been dead them self. Ever.
I honestly don't see why the Devs would implement an auto-booting system inside dungeons at all. Though, if they feel the need to do so, at least make it bearable.
Joining a random dungeon just to be kicked by the leader before you even load in, lose 10 energy.