The Hidden Ones is a good guild for beginning players that need help or just need help in general. Feel free to ask for help on missions or other (like crafting.)
In other words, willing to help others.
We are free to join, but only ask to pay weekly to the Treasury. At least 500-1,000 crowns or more each deposit. We're currently trying to beef up the income to deck out the Guild Hall and expand.
We're also willing on purchasing better weapons for fellow members (or at least I am. I buy gifts.). If you need help acquiring better weapon feel free to ask other members.
Our guild is still really small, so joining us now would be better for those who really need assistance in missions.
-Must be semi-active.
-Be kind to others.
-Try to donate crowns every here and then.
PM Stardarksatyr (me) or Birsin (Guild Master) if you have any questions. :3
im interested, i mailed you in game