I'm interested in trying out some animation techniques. However, instead of being bogged down designing the scene, characters, story and equipment, I'd like to get inspiration from an already existing scene from a fanfiction written by one of the members of the community.
Can anyone recommend me a good fanfic to try my skills on?
I'd like to animate a fanfic
"Intentions" was an excellent fanfic. You should totally animate that, Hexzyle. :D
'nuff said.
-currently only logging on for an hour :P
I'm reconstructing the 3D models as sprites. It's proving tedious, I'm wondering if I should just make my own art for the animation. It may take longer, but that time would be spent actually doing things, instead of fiddling around with models trying to expose certain parts like the inside of the legs. (cough) that sounded suss...
Yeah, just do your own art if you wanna do all the views you want. If you can't find what you want, then make it yourself XD
Dang, I'd love to make an SK fanimation... But it takes a looooooong time to animate anything. I am making a random (i.e. non-SK) series called "Life in Soviet Russia" it'll be out soon... maybe, if I have time.
What program are you using to animate things?
Hex, you do animations too? I'm an auto cad man first, but I actually dabble in 3Ds max.
Redemption / Intentions by Arctifice. Look it up on Google.
Brutal, gritty, and just plain action. Have fun with it.