How the heck does heat work? Though heat and levels don't really matter that much to what's going on, (with end players in particular) I'm planning on doing a bit of research. Particularly things like:
- If the smallest heat ember counts as 1 HP (Heat Point), how many points are required from L1 to L2? From L2 to L3? How big is each increase in needed heat?
- What does each heat ember count as, assuming that the smallest ember = 1 HP?
- How much more heat does, say, a 5* need than a 4*?
- How much does each level do in Weapons? Shields? Armors? Is it worth more to upgrade that armor to L10 other than getting increased health?
- Do heat embers do more in T3 than they do in T2? More in T2 than in T1? Or is it just the increased amount of embers and/or bigger embers which makes the difference?
I'll try to figure something out pretty soon. This is going to cost a lot of energy, I can tell you that much. >.<
Great. This area is not well-studied, possibly because end-game players don't care. But newer players care, and it would be nice to have some idea of how heat is quantified. Keeping detailed track of the embers will be hard. May I suggest recording your run, and then counting the embers afterward?