Author's Note : =/= means not equal to. Just so that we can avoid some misunderstanding if anyone has trouble.
Vin opened the door, and socked Travid on the forehead. The young man fell flat on his butt, and rubbed the injured spot gingerly.
"I already heard the knock the first time...
Woah, got some injuries on you. Uni kicked your butt or something?"
The young man shook his head, and scratched at his blood-caked eyebrow. "No, just six buff guys trying to mug me. I don't think I'm cut out for fighting..."
Vin nodded in agreement. "You were a better Recon than an average grunt, anyways. Wouldn't be surprised if you forgot hand-to-hand if you've neglected it for months."
He held out his hand, and Travid took it. A pang of envy hit the young man as he saw the baker's defined arm flex as it pulled him up, and sighed in self-wallowing.
"Did they get your money?"
Travid shook his head.
"Just wish you could lift like me? I don't lift, if you're thinking about getting muscles like me."
Travid sighed again, apparently even more sad. Vin tisked in thought, and, after a moment's passing, snapped his fingers.
"Alright, just wait at a table, I might lift up that mood of yours with a few treats of mine...
...and since your rent what, two or three days from now, I'll put it on the house. For your sis and mother. I heard the family's adopting a little boy."
Travid nodded his head. "Yeah, he's just two months old. His mother is a pretty young girl, only 17. Figured that we'd keep him until his mom could take care of herself...erm..."
The baker was gone in the kitchen.
After a few minutes passed, the door opened, and a lady, definitely reaching her prime age, walked in. She had an apron around her, the flowery scents indicating its recent washing.
"Excuse me, sir, but do you know where's Vin?"
Travid pointed back to the kitchen. "He's getting some things. Are you his..?"
"Apprentice?" she cut in. "Yes, I just started several hours ago. Still a lot of learning to do, but I'll see if I get any better within the next couple of months."
Travid nodded, and laid his head down on the smooth, cold wood. His thoughts wandered off to other things, like supporting his family, paying rent, and so forth...
...and he slept.
Once Travid gets to the bakery I would like to order a slice of Ectodrop pie, an eclair filled with royal core and iced with frost gel, and a Forbidden Fruit seed bun. This should rejuvenate Travid well enough. And a medium box of Forbidden Fruit seed bun for the rest of the family.