Wondering which line of Brandish is best for charge attacks?
I mean not by damage, but utility-wise, which one would be the best.
Was wondering this because I have a CTR Brandish.
Wondering which line of Brandish is best for charge attacks?
I mean not by damage, but utility-wise, which one would be the best.
Was wondering this because I have a CTR Brandish.
I sort of have both but can't tell which I like more lol
But I'm thinking, most of the time in danger rooms you would always use the shadow sword.. hmmm
I can support Combuster, mine has CTR medium and it's awesome, but I feel Glacius would be better in dangerous situations to help create some breathing space.
It destroys menders/gremlins. I like arena's/danger rooms with menders--i charge and unleash HUGE benefits for finishing rooms. Also great vs oilers/silvers/lichen colonies. I love my shadow charge attack. Don't knock it IMO.
The shadow one does more damage on charge (explosions deal 1x normal swing dmg instead of 0,5x) and the status effects on the others dont make up for that in my opinion. (if you use firebomb especially).
of course it depends on what you want to kill with it.
Shadow are good against everything except Undead and Fiend. So why not choose Shadow?
Well, I can tell you that in my opinion the Fire and Ice Brandishes both beat the Shadow in terms of a charge attack. But deciding between the Fire or Ice could very well come down to which status effect you like more. It might be worth your while to make the Iceburst and Fireburst Brandishes to experiment beforehand.