I have a quick question: If I'll be at rank 10 and there will be homecoming celebration will I get only Lionheart Honor Blade and Exalted Honor Guard or both items plus it's lower star feature also and furniture?
Honor set
If it ever happens again, what would happen to those that already have it?
Maybe we will have a new celebration, with totally different and unique sets, not Honor sets again.
If they are ever gonna release any more honor stuff I want a Golden Valiance that shoots golden bullets and a Golden Nitronome that makes golden explosions....
Oh wait.
To answer your question: Rank 10 players got the 5* items and that only, not the lower level versions.
And I doubt they'll ever have another thing like it again, if any... Probably.
A golden valiance and nitronome? That sounds 2x more OP than the original versions. :/
The Honor Set is 100% the same as the Colbalt set, so it wouldn't be better. And a pure gold explosion sounds kinda bland and misleading (stun and all that). Perhaps they make a silver-themed event? /shrug
"And a pure gold explosion sounds kinda bland and misleading (stun and all that)"
Current Nitronome is blue yet it doesn't shock nor freeze. Shouldn't it be white with that logic?
"Current Nitronome is blue yet it doesn't shock nor freeze. Shouldn't it be white with that logic?"
The Big Angry Bomb is red, but does not deal fire or curse.
The Dark Briar Barrage is red as well.
Saying we can't have something because it's color could be misleading is sorta dumb.
The Guild Master of Lionheart once again thanks Spiral Knights for honoring our guild in such a grand way.
do you actually have any proof that they made it for you, and that it's not just a coincidence?
better honoring the omniscience washing machine for the next event
Lionheart is named after St-Leone. Thus, he should be the rightful Guild Master, and not some attention-seeking impersonator of models.
"The Guild Master of Lionheart once again thanks Spiral Knights for honoring our guild in such a grand way."
Really? Spiral Knights named the honor set after you? Wow! I'm so impressed!!! Let's celebrate with cake and thank Spiral Knights and brag about it 1 million times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*End of sarcasm*
My real thought: :/
Cut out the hate, guys! Mawa was just having fun pretending to be the reason for the Lionheart gear. Come on, have some fun with it! I know for a fact that some people named themselves after NPCs; it's like that. I'm sure you were tempted at one point.
that the lionheart guild was made immediately after the blades were distributed.
Might as well sell your soul, Heavy-Dragon, because you are dead wrong.
The Lionheart guild was made before the Lionheart items came out. It was purely a coincidence, although Mawashimono can be as delusional and attention-seeking as she wants.
Nick and Mawashimono were closeted fans of Van Damme.
Lionheart gear was made to honour Lionheart guild in the same way as the Cobalt Armour set was made to honour Cobalt and a Magnus was made to honour Magnus. These are well known facts.
Cobalt is a pickable player color wich existed before the guild. The guild was created to honour a color.
I meant knight named Cobalt (the one from EoS) rather the guild. I didn't know such guild exists actually :-D
The story of why Lionheart was honored in a commemorative way is here
(Boyz, boyz - Why so serious?)
I don't know whether that celebration will ever be repeated. My guess is not. Anyway, the advanced players got the highest-level honor sword, shield, and statue, but didn't get any of the lower-level ones.