Testing Feedback Thread

134 replies [Last post]
Nick's picture

Please post your feedback on battle sprites here. Please be as clear as possible in your feedback.

Thank you.

Reto-Da-Liz's picture

So excited to test it out :D

Great job devs and GMs!


Produkt's picture

"Each player sees only their own loot on each level and must collect or ignore each piece."

dont like this at all .. for example .. koa d25 .. 4 player party .. each member does 2 rooms .. after everyone is done and all zombies in the middle are defeated .. everyone has to walk into ALL rooms to collect their loot .. this seems overly complicated and time consuming .. and it's pretty much against the current 1 for all and all for 1 spirit of the parties.

and "This change means that there are zero reasons to NOT party with others."

might backfire .. as i'd prefer to solo and make sure to get all the loot instead of back track to where i havent been because others cleared the space and leave me at risk of being kicked from the party for stalling.

thanks for your time.

Dfliyerz's picture
From what I can tell, no more

From what I can tell, no more health-sharing revives will NOT be popular.

Iapnez's picture
Alright. To start my post,

Alright. To start my post, Drakon is cute. That fireball is crazy powerful for having a 15 second cooldown. Maybe make it an even 10? And the flame shield... it lasts for 5 seconds and has another 35 seconds to cool down after that? That's just plain ridiculous. Then again, these are probably the basic level abilities.

Edit 1: I don't get what Seraphynx's second attack is supposed to be... heart attack? It doesn't look like it does anything and it has a 1 minute cooldown! Also, why is there a red glow around my screen when I hit under 10% health? That's annoying. I don't want that.

Stwhitestorm's picture
Yes Produkt I agree

I agree why not keep the loot sharing similar to how it is now except make it that each party member gets the material dropped. They will still have the sharing feature just like Podukt said, we are doing a specific room killing off enemies while collecting loot from other Knights in our party. I also solo all my missions unless some friends/guilds want to team up then I open my party, if we have to run around the clockworks that a fellow Knight has already cleared just to get loot about 90% of the time the party leader will shout cmon or hurry up! Worse case is the Knight collecting loot from cleared areas might get removed from party.

Another note is I am guessing Beta testing Knights or alts won't be able to use the Tier 2 or Tier 3 gear due to their rank isn't high enough to use the weapons they work hard to earn from doing Arcade runs back in the day if it was a Beta user, or tabbing a friend/main account while farming materials and tokens for gear that most Knights have to do Rank Mission for?...I think it can go either way good or bad, I see nothing wrong with this update but just saying how will the Beta using Knights feel about this if in fact they do return to experience this new Battle Sprites update.

- Divine Crusader of Over Powered Noobs & Sword of Skylark

Stwhitestorm's picture
Reply Dfliyerz

Yeah the health reviving might ruin heating other Knights gear, I didn't mind donating heat when I didn't need it anymore because it was just going to be wasted might as well give it to somebody who really needs it.
- Divine Crusader of Over Powered Noobs & Sword of Skylark

Malemaan's picture

edit: nvm, BN/LD are probably need spark revs too

Fehzor's picture


I'm not a huge fan of my materials being made worthless via the 4x increase in materials, or of having to heat all of my gear via the T3 arcade (rather than via reviving my party several dozen times on T2's jelly king), or of having the effort I put into earning all of my gear demeaned by how easy gear will likely be to get after this (same amount of effort? You'd have to be a bit more specific as to how these orbs drop), but thats mostly just selfish of me.

It sounds like all of the changes could be good? I'll have to see it all play out before I can judge.

@Above poster

Actually, I'd expect the population to increase in the long term based on what he said. If I type why, you'll Tl;Dr it, so I'm not.

Tevokkia's picture
Hmmm ...

While some of the things announced sound interesting and I'd like to see how they pan out, there are a couple little things I'd like to voice my concerns over. I understand I'm probably going to be in the minority here, for my reasoning if little else.

Pretty sad about health-sharing revives going away, but I suppose you expected a bit of that and understand where your reasoning comes from. It was nice to be able to share heat between my husband and myself when only one of us was working on something.

As far as the equipment limit goes ... I've already hit Vanguard and done whatever at the end of the game except for a couple Shadow Lairs, and I'm really not the sort of person who wants a big challenge when she's trying to relax and have fun; if I want a challenge, I have all sorts of real-life things to deal with. Half the time, I like to run around like a dork in earlier missions with big weapons, just to run of some steam and make a satisfying splat ... will I be unable to do that at all now, or will the limit only apply to Missions, allowing us to be dumb in the Arcade?

I can see Produkt and Stwhitestorm's concerns about the loot sharing, and while I haven't had the experiences they have, I would like to point out that there is still a perfectly valid reason to play without a party: you either particularly enjoy solo-ing or particularly dislike running with others. I'm a little concerned that we're moving toward a model where you essentially HAVE to go out with a party, because that's the point I'd have to stop playing ... not because I would want to go out in a blaze of anger over changes, but because I get anxious playing with others and it would no longer be fun.

As I've said, I don't expect my concerns to be in the majority and I realize I'm far from the average player, but I appreciate at least the opportunity to voice them.

Heavencupcake's picture
I'm quite nervous about that

I'm quite nervous about that new mat drops system, whatever it's called.
Several* players have some graphic issues, including me, that for example, doesn't allow them to see mats and vials lying on floor (with max graphic settings I can see only its shadow). If it wasn't up to my partymates, I'd lost 50% of my mats. Also - I don't feel like running ALL way back to pick up shinies after when I join somebody's run. And hell, I love shinies

Revives with Sparks ain't gonna be popular as well - people tend to die on purpose to give to partymates their heat. I don't need it, and my friend could happily use it to craft another piece of armour.

About CE - I don't really know what to think about the changes. 800ce for crafting a 5* items sounded like a wee bit too much, yes, but Orbs? I sense loads of cussing about wasted time in arcade to get those, and their price in AH. How are we gonna pay for lifts?

*Long, ugly laughter

Nick's picture
Tevokkia: If you're Vanguard,

Tevokkia: If you're Vanguard, you're fine. The equip limits are fairly generous:

Rank 1.1 - 0*, 1*
Rank 3.1 - 2*
Rank 5.1 - 3*
Rank 6.1 - 4*
Rank 8.1 - 5*

Pellipper's picture

I'm going to say this while it's on the first page:

Produkt hit the nail on the head with the loot distribution. Those there are major problems with the idea, as it currently stands.
If you go solo, you get all the loot, and you don't need to go to empty areas to collect items.

I can't, however, think of a solution to the aforementioned problem so I'll leave it there.

One thing I can't shake off, we will no longer need CE to alchemise things. This seems like a big mistake, seeing how long time end game players that invest in the game pay for CE have no use for it, they'll now have even less use for it. This will probably affect the CE market in some way.

AND, the equipment knob block. We will have to craft weaker gear to play missions if it is deemed too strong for the level? I don't know about most people but I don't want to have separate 3,4 and 5* sets just to play JK effectively.

It is also not clear whether higher difficulty = higher payout; if not then why play on harder? this question is said mainly because people will be farming for crowns as always, and so if payout is same for all, set it to easiest and enjoy the benefits with minimal effort.

Nick's picture
I have adjusted the notes to

I have adjusted the notes to make it clear that playing on a higher difficulty mode will indeed reward you with more loot.

Fehzor's picture

Yeah, it'd be nice if my gear was just temporarily "demoted" when I went to those levels. Like, if I go to T2 wearing full heavenly iron, then it should just act like an angelic set. I guess things like ancient plate would just be banned from T2?

Yorha's picture
"We are adding important new

"We are adding important new items to the game. Orbs of Alchemy and Sparks of Life (the existing material will be renamed). Orbs of Alchemy replace the energy requirements for alchemy meaning that alchemy will require Orbs of Alchemy in place of energy.

Sparks of Life are used to revive knights and replace the energy cost associated with revives. Sparks of Life can be purchased in in bulk via the Supply Depot or individually when needing to revive in the Clockworks. This cost will no longer escalate as it does now. Additionally, every knight will receive an ‘Emergency Revive’ that is used immediately after dying once per level. An Emergency Revive instantly revives you with a generous amount of health.

Orbs of Alchemy and Sparks of Life will drop in the Clockworks (through Missions and the Arcade), and also be available for purchase with energy. The overall cost to craft an item and revive regularly should remain about the same in aggregate, it will just be done with Orbs and Sparks of Life.

In conjunction with this change, and after much debate, we are removing health sharing revives. Our observations show that health sharing to revive downed party members ends up being detrimental to teams working to complete levels; diluting overall team health to the point of team members being repeatedly one-shotted in combat.

However, you will be able to use Sparks of Life to revive downed party members just as you can with energy now."

I do not like that AT ALL. OOO Do not add this, however the difficulty thing is pretty interesting as I'd like to see how that would affect PvE. But orbs of alchemy and Sparks of Life(Not the material) are going to be very horrible. You will lose alot of players.

Stwhitestorm's picture
Second with Urreta

I didn't think about that apart with the gear...do we really have to make gear equaled to the rank mission/stratum that we are doing?
- Divine Crusader of Over Powered Noobs & Sword of Skylark

Fehzor's picture

^He just said that hard mode = more loot...

im not a tester

agree to #2 and #3, stronlgy disagree to #6, reviving for heat is just plain annoying and should be discouraged imo(at least in PUGs) - cut that, im obviously the only 1, who revives just to have everybody play the game..

the idea of difficulty modes has been in my mind for a very long time and i hope to see proper item drops like higher drops per monster in hard mode or simply increased amount of monsters with same drops each(both options would increase the FUN factor and decrease the boring grinding factor)
now that we will have difficulty modes AND tiers, im curious what the new purpose of tiers will be?
tiers were a difficulty adjustment and they were also connected with dmg types
danger rooms also had that kind of purpose and introduced non-normal dmg to t1(difficulty+dmg type)

im unsure about the equipment limits, because that makes it impossible to buy your way into the game, but theres so much changing and u even mentioned, that these are just "glimpses of a larger picture", so im going to wait and see how things work out

i feel like sk players have been put into a glass at some point and are now being shaken lol
just thinking about the general unique concept of sk, everybody had to cope with and now well..arrividerci! xD
although it does explain just how much has been worked on during the absence of actual content updates

Nick's picture
To clarify, the equip limits

To clarify, the equip limits mean that your knight must be of the ranks I specified to equip that gear.

For example, a 3* item would say, 'Requires Rank 5-1 to equip.'

You are still free to use an item you can equip any time you choose.

Klipik-Forum's picture
Wait, so...

If there is this "difficulty adjustment" thing, does that effectively get rid of Tiers or will it not be that much of a difference?

Nick's picture
The difficulty modes are

The difficulty modes are overlayed on top of tiers. This means you can now experience all the content on Normal, Advanced or Elite difficulty. The depth of the level you're playing will still determine overall difficulty, but the new difficulty modes will add an extra layer of modifications. So a really hardcore player can now run tier 3 on Elite and get the highest level of challenge.

Meta-Knight-Kirby's picture
When will these be enacted?

When will you enact these changes onto the game? Also, how much will these "Orbs of Alchemy" cost in CE? The removal of health-sharing revives effectively kills parties. I really like getting my noobish party members' heat too.

Stwhitestorm's picture

Okay thank you so much for clarifying for us, back to testing Battle Sprites :)
- Divine Crusader of Over Powered Noobs & Sword of Skylark

Grantgalitz's picture


1) All the people with 5 star recruit alts are gonna whine about being castrated.

2) Everyone not op at vana is gonna hate the solo-favoring changes.

3) All the 2 and 3 star folk are gonna whine not a single vanguard will let them mooch at FSC.

4) Currency indirection is gonna rustle jimmies.

Fallconn's picture

Equipment Limits

One additional change to support this: going forward, players will have an equipment limit on their weapons and gear. Mission rank will prevent players from using gear deemed too powerful for their experience. For example, a 3* item would say, 'Requires Rank 5-1 to equip.'

So, this means more people will do clockworks to do RJP and Roarmy twins to use 5* gear? seems like a good feature to bring back the arcade somewhat.

Difficulty Modes and Loot Distribution

You can now set the difficulty mode of Missions and Arcade runs. Difficulty will adjust the strength of monsters and traps as well as their damage types. Playing on increased difficulty will reward you with more loot.

We have also changed the way that loot is distributed. Loot will now be individually distributed to all players and never randomly assigned or split. Each player sees only their own loot on each level and must collect or ignore each piece. This includes vitapods.

This change means that there are zero reasons to NOT party with others. You’ll get the same amount of loot regardless of party size.

I am all for not having the vita's dissapear when someone picks them up, but for going over each piece of crown/heat can be a bit tedious.

In conjunction with this change, and after much debate, we are removing health sharing revives. Our observations show that health sharing to revive downed party members ends up being detrimental to teams working to complete levels; diluting overall team health to the point of team members being repeatedly one-shotted in combat.

I'm sorry, but in my opinion, that taught me how to not get hit, and use teamwork. and I'd appreciate it greatly if this wasn't implemented, but I guess I'm gonna have to try inb4 I knock it.

Qwote's picture

Sprite actions won't work with mouse wheel.


    hearts aren't dropping with it's Heart Attack ability
    there's a hit limit for the Ray of Light ability

Reto-Da-Liz's picture

I gotta say everything is pretty cool but... I officially ran out of fingers. Basically to use your battle sprite efficiently you MUST have a gaming mouse, or you must be some kind of mutant alien with more than 5 fingers per hand...

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
A friendly reminder to keep

A friendly reminder to keep posts on topic and related directly to the new content on the preview server. Also, please resist the temptation to post with forum alts (sockpuppeting). Thanks!


My client crashes and must be restarted after each mission, this is a serious problem, my friends are having it too.

"removing health sharing revives"

I've no clue why you'd be removing this at all. Not sure either where you even get the info from that we don't like it or that it's "detrimental".
We're used to reviving downed teammates and if we really wouldn't have liked to share our health with our teammates, wouldn't we have stopped playing with people which are way underlvl'd?
Besides, you simply take away the chance of being kind to people needing heat. Or simply take a friend of mine having lagspikes or maybe just take everyone not having a somewhat decent pc; are you really trying to ruin the fun they can have with friends when they're not lagging? I have no problem sharing my health to people dying caused by lag or mere derpyness. That's the part of teamwork we're used to for so long now.
The way you're going to make it would be somewhat like "Ooh, I'm dead for the second time. Might as well go take a nap 'till the Depth is cleared" since I doubt many people will prefer to use a Spark of Life when someone dies again. You'll be taking away the fun for many people this way.

Tevokkia's picture

Thank you for clarifying on the Equipment Limit. The way I initially read it, I thought that the limit was dependent on the level you were playing rather than your level (i.e. I couldn't use a Final Flourish on the Snarbolax, because it was too heavy a weapon for T1). I see that that's not the case now. Thank you again!

Klipik-Forum's picture

"Normal, advanced, and Elite". Thank god - I thought it would be easy-medium-hard.

Just to clarify, normal isn't any easier than the current mode, correct?

Nick's picture
Akdetroit: Please submit a

Akdetroit: Please submit a bug report (before attempting to log in again). It would be very helpful.

Nick's picture
Normal difficulty is easier

Normal difficulty is easier than what you are familiar with while Advanced is *slightly* harder (more or less the same as what everyone is experiencing now). Elite difficulty is harder than what players are used to and will only become more difficult in the future as new features are added.

Glacies's picture

Hey, Nick, how do we get Ultimate Evo Materials or are they not in the Preview build?

Nick's picture
Ultimate forms and skills are

Ultimate forms and skills are not part of this test.

Forum-Toah's picture

Drakon is pretty cool, I'll likely be using it on the live servers

Seraphinx feels broken, the light beam is rather lacking and heart attack is lacking hearts.

Maskwraith is pretty great, I like the invisibility and Hex is cool.

The special perks are the real selling point, High Shock resist? Medium Sword ASI? This stuff is awesome!

Zeddy's picture

It's worse than that. You don't have to visit every room to get all the loot, as the loot will have disappeared over time for you by the time you're done cleaning up the place.

This basically means there is no reason to team up with strangers any more. What if the randoms you team up with split paths and kill enemies in seperate areas? Teaming up no longer just reduces the amount of materials you get; your heat and crowns can get drastically reduced as well!

Since the ability to revive teammates is gone as well, there is no added safety to it either.

I hesitate to even make a

I hesitate to even make a suggestion here as past experience leads people to believe all suggestions are basically ignored as developers will do whatever the frack they want without regard to players opinions... That being said I'll attempt to offer a few suggestions.

-Splitting loot is fine, only if you make all loot auto pick up, don't leave it lying around on the ground ever, as soon as a monster is killed it's picked up and put in your inventory. Having to run around picking up loot has long been considered a bad game play element and many games have phased this out. SK should too. This will fix parties running around looking for loot and being bored out of their mind.

-Allow sub rank knights to still equip high * items but display a warning that they can't use the item to it's full potential until they rank up. So if a knight equips a 5* weapon, it'll only be as effective as a 3* version if their rank allows 3* gear. This will still allow you to rake in money when new players decide to buy CE so they can get 5* gear right at the start.

-Also could you fix all the interface bugs with the auction house. There has been a persistent memory leak that's readily apparently with lots of auctions in your bid history. Simply bid on a lot of things, open and close the auction house repeatedly and it'll get pretty bad pretty fast.
-Also if you open the mail window over the auction house, it's really hard to open mail, it requires a double click instead of a single click, and sometimes that doesn't even work (especially if the 2nd or 3rd tab of ah is open)

Stwhitestorm's picture
Yes I agree Crossproduct

Making an auto pick up for Knights would make the looting problem much easier or have that feature on the Battle Sprites, some ideals I have been getting from flash backs of Linage II.
- Divine Crusader of Over Powered Noobs & Sword of Skylark

Yarnova's picture
No more health-sharing

No more health-sharing revives? I'd say around 90% of the times I have died were on purpose (either going AFK or sharing heat) and another 5% were from lag.
Combined with not letting other party members pick up your loot for you there are no reasons to party with other people anymore, you would have to stay near them at all times to avoid missing your drops and they would be a hinderance rather than a help.
I sencerely hope you listen to feedback regarding these changes and revert them before they go live.

Orbs of Alchemy? Seems like an unnecessary step in crafting, and by the looks of it will make crafting costs go up for those who do not run the clockworks constantly.

Equipment limits seem like yet another attempt at copying generic MMOs, most people won't really care about them but people who haven't played since missions came out aswell as extremely Pay-to-Play users and a few who have 5* alts or simply refuse to do missions won't be happy.

Difficulty modes on the other hand will be much appreciated, there has been much talk of how the game has been made easier since it first began and this should satisfy people who feel the normal levels aren't a challenge anymore.

Narfle's picture

Question: if you revive a teammate with a spark of life, do you still get a portion of their heat? Either way, this will dramatically impact heat sharing as people won't want to spend the energy (unless sparks are a fairly common drop, but based on the description it doesn't sound like they will be).

Cigarette-Daydream's picture

Getting all the key bindings is pretty hard. :c

Dunreave's picture
Found a glitch

Heres the specs,

Revived in the arena portion of the tier 3 test.

On Hardest difficulty.

With a level 77 sprite.

Could not access next area, was locked in dungeon after reviving.

Took a snapshot, but i don't know how to post it.

Nick's picture
Please submit bug reports.

Please submit bug reports. That's by far the best way we can address a bug. Thanks!

Rating's picture
Overall I like the effort

Overall I like the effort going into this update, so bravo.


#1: "We have also changed the way that loot is distributed. Loot will now be individually distributed to all players and never randomly assigned or split. Each player sees only their own loot on each level and must collect or ignore each piece. This includes vitapods. This change means that there are zero reasons to NOT party with others. You’ll get the same amount of loot regardless of party size."

Thought: I'm all about playing in a party, but what I like about playing in a party is being able to divide and conquer. This update will make that very frustrating, as now we'll all have to scour each and every nook and cranny of a level within a set period of a teammate killing something before our loot disappears. I ask, how does not allowing other teammates to see your loot and pick it up for you improve partying with others? Even distribution I have no problem with. I hope heat and crowns are not considered loot in this instance.

#2: Orbs instead of CE

Thought: I had a lot of CE before this update announcement, and I'm a little unhappy of where I think this is going. Diminishing marginal utility of CE approaching negative? :( OOO appears to have destroyed my goal of 1,000,000 CE, something that has kept me around for the better part of the past year.

#3: No more health sharing revs

Thought: Those sparks of life better be DIRT cheap and able to be used on yourself, I'm not really interested in paying for something to revive a teammate when my health is usually very plentiful and I have plenty to go around. I'm also not interested in paying crowns to revive myself when I die...makes it that much harder to step away from your computer for a moment while playing.

EDIT: Can you use sparks of life on downed party members and still get the same amount of heat as before when you used health? I can envision MAJOR push back if you cannot get heat this way, I'm even getting a little riled up just thinking about what that means for me.

Overall, I like the battle sprites and the level cap being 100. It would appear that it will take a lot of time to level the sprites which is good for keeping people around, I just want to be able to level my first one up to 100 right away...haha. I will be watching the lesser pieces of this update closely (ones mentioned above) to see how it affects my gameplay experience.

EDIT: Infinity upvotes (or w/e that's called, +1 times infinity) for crossproduct's thought on auto-pickup of loot (I'm sure others have posted too, just reading up from my post) Splitting loot is fine, only if you make all loot auto pick up, don't leave it lying around on the ground ever, as soon as a monster is killed it's picked up and put in your inventory. Having to run around picking up loot has long been considered a bad game play element and many games have phased this out. SK should too. This will fix parties running around looking for loot and being bored out of their mind.

Canozo's picture

Question: So the Ultimate forms will vary, something like Wolver series 5* versions? (Vog, Skolver, Snarbolax)

Nick's picture
Ultimate forms are appearance

Ultimate forms are appearance changes that happen to your sprite after selecting ultimate skills. So each time you select one of your three ultimate skills, your sprite's appearance changes.

Draycos's picture

New Items

Personally, I'd much prefer it if the Sparks and Orbs dropped in the Clockworks more often than in Missions. Additionally, the loss of health-sharing revives severely limits how many mistakes people can make. I'm not a big fan of the "emergency revive" idea; it's like giving people a free health pill and leads to an everyone-for-themselves sort of mentality. You only get two chances, and then no one can help you without paying.

I'd instead like a system where you require more and more health to be revived each time you're KO'd, perhaps your friend has to stay near you long enough for you to be revived, or even a wait time before you can get back up and help your teammates if you're dying too much. The regular server's system is admittedly too abused to be kept, what with people exploiting the last-stand mechanics, but I don't think throwing team revives out of the window is a fun alternative.

Difficulty Modes and Loot Distribution

I'm very excited to see how difficulty will affect enemies. Please don't make it a flat boost to their stats; make them more difficult in entirety. Smarter, not fatter.

As for the loot distribution, I can see why you're doing this despite forcing people to stay together on even the most scattered of levels: to crush alt farming for good. However, I'd love to see this limitation removed on certain levels, like Clockwork Tunnels, Deconstruction Zones, Charred Court, Dry Dock, Treasure Vaults, and Graveyards, since those often split people up anyways, forcing them to stay together even when the levels are designed so everyone is running everywhere.

In addition, this means that dead players in general that decide to stay dead will no longer get what they haven't earned, which is pretty good.

Equipment Limits

Bye bye 5* Recruits.

On an unrelated note, when can we expect balance changes for our equipment?

Dfliyerz's picture
I can't pick up vitapods or

I can't pick up vitapods or hearts, but see others do so.
Also, the having to pick up everything yourself is REALLY annoying.