I recently gained access to T2 and I want to get myself a sealed sword and an antigua. So what weapon is the best when it comes to killing jellies VERY QUICKLY as I only have a limited amount of time to play computer each day?
I currently have tempered calibur, wolver cap, dusker coat, owlite shield, fiery vaporizer and cryotech alchemer MK II. Are they good against both normal jellies and JK?
Good Weapons:
Brandish --> Nightblade series (Slimes are weak to Shadow, but the boss is only slightly weak against it)
Cutter --> Vile Striker (Poison is incredibly useful against the boss to stop his regeneration and weaken his attacks)
Sealed Sword --> Faust series (Shadow damage and Curse! But you don't have a Sealed Sword yet...)
Good Armor: Wolver series (adds damage dealt with swords) or Chroma series (adds damage against Slimes). Of these, Wolver is easier to get. The damage bonus is equivalent unless you're trying to kill the boss with guns or bombs... which doesn't really work as well as with swords.
Good Shield: Pick one with lots of Normal defense. Plate or Boosted Plate, maybe?
Guns are not good against the Royal Jelly. Even Shadowtech guns won't be able to hit him faster than he regenerates. You can, however, use a Firotech or Voltech Alchemer to inflict Fire and Shock on him-- both are really helpful.
Bombs are useful for fighting the swarms in the preceding stages and scattering large crowds of his minions you'd otherwise have to wade through or dodge around. A Firey or Toxic Vaporizer bomb can help you keep the important status effects on him. Graviton Bomb isn't so amazing for other situations, but it can get the minion slimes out of your hair for a few precious seconds when used well.