For the last couple of days I've been trying to get a guild up and running, but man...its been pretty hard. The guild thread has gone through many changes including a guild renaming. It would be great if you could leave feed back on this thread or join. But please tell me how I'm doing. Thanks.
How to get in:
-Be Tier 3 cleared.
-Agree to the rules.
-Be active.
-Be respectful to other guild members.
-Always pay your upkeep of 2k cr to keep the guild running.
-Be respectful to other guilds and players.
-No profanity.
-No begging it makes the guild look bad.
You have asked to be a part of all the fun and/or have been recruited by an officer or or have joined though the forums.
You've been a part of the guild for a week.
You have helped the guild out in some way, you have done a boss run with a officer or GM and have successfully uploaded a screenshot of you sitting by the tokens and saying "Boss Rejected!!!".
You are loyal and try to help the community in everyway you can, you are willing to recruit players and you are trusted by GMs.
Guild Master:
There will be 4 GM slots but if GM leaves we will choose a officer to take there place.
-Friday night cleanup-
Do you ever miss the arcade? Every friday we clean the clockworks in the arcade just to bring it life for a bit and clean it for once, cause all those monsters make a mess. This is also the time to complete weekly challenges.
-Saturday Coliseum Clash-
The weekly event where we think of the craziest game types we can think of and we play by its rules for a match or two.
-Weekly challenges-
I will be handing out a couple challenges to complete during friday cleanup duty or on other days. These will be handed out hopefully on mondays and they will be found on the forums.
Well thanks for taking your own time on reading about the Retro, I sincerely hope its the choice for you.
Rankings shouldn't be based off of how long you have stayed in the guild. It's a great system for measuring patience of the members of the guild but not the commitment and loyalty of the member to the guild.
Officer ranking - A veteran should only be promoted to a officer when the guild is dependent on needing one. Overloading officers isn't a good thing in my point of view.
- Just saying