Just letting people know this. I have used a setup that gives +19 stun resistance and it still will not be immune to stun. Granted it only lasts for 2 seconds, but it's not immunity. +19 might be enough to be immune in Tiers 2 and 1, though.
It is impossible to be immune to a status in PvE in Tier 3

Alright. I can give a more in depth test here soon since I'm going to bed. I'll have to try playing around with different UV's on ancient plate, but thankfully there's a test server that I can use for infinite UV rolling.

Wich stun are we talking about? Lumbers? Neutral greavers?

Some stuns are more stunning than others so your title statement is not very valid.

Worth pointing out that people mistake immunity to mist bombs and immunity to statuses. Idk if a patch changed this (haven't played Lockdown in MONTHS), but you can be immune to bombs like Shivermist Busters, Voltaic Tempests, and Staggering Storms.

This is quite a "stunning" conversation.
sorry, im just bad at puns

I am not immune to fire even with a fire max UV on a vog with a fire high on a snarby WITH A 5 star wetstone pendant--I still burn!

If you want to be immune to fire, you need fire max on both pieces of vog cub.

I don't think it's possible to be immune to strong strength status...?
You can be immune to fire traps' fire with max, max, med, though. At least that's what I found out the last time.

You might not be truly immune but I bet if you have full vog with double max fire UVs and pendants you'll burn for just 1 second and take 1/10 of a health pip of damage.

"You might not be truly immune but I bet if you have full vog with double max fire UVs and pendants you'll burn for just 1 second and take 1/10 of a health pip of damage."
You lost the bet.
Slag breath: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 3 pips lost
Shadow fire: Could not ignite. 0 s.
Fire trap: 5 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 3 pips lost
FOV: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1.5 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 4.5 pips lost
Slag breath: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip + 1.5 pip + 1 pip, 3.5 pips lost
Shadow fire: Could not ignite. 0 s.
Fire trap: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 3 pips lost
FOV: 4 s, 3 ticks, 1.5 pip/tick (2 mini bars), 4.5 pips lost
Unless they changed it.

well, at least my fire resist is enough to keep me from burning in the training hall.
Yes, people have done many tests like this. Search Google for something like "spiral knights forum status immunity". For example, somewhere around fire+11 is the maximum useful fire resistance. There are strong sources of fire, that will ignite a knight, no matter how much fire resistance he has.
That said, thanks for reporting yet another test. The more data we have like this, the better. You could benefit the community by running your test in more detail. For example, what if you take off some stun resistance, to bring it down to +16? Does that source of stun still last for only two seconds? What about about stun+12? +10? More data would be better. And what was the source of stun? On what depth of the Clockworks?