I've got a plot down, I'm like... I have two panels of the first page drawn... yeah, don't expect it to be done anytime soon. Can't get to a scanner for a good week, and even if I could I'd probably want more time. No, I'm not going to finish the whole thing then release, and I'm also not going to put things up page by page. Assuming I actually follow through, I'll release it in chunks. No, I'm not coloring it. I might ask if anyone wants to later, but I'm not going to say "You! You're important! Color this for me!" to some guy who wants to do it when I'm not even sure if I'll draw this all out.
What font should I put in word bubbles?
I'm being serious, at first I was like "comic sans duh", but then I thought about it and decided it looks... cheesy.
Sorry for stealing precious space with this post, but really, give me something.
Try Menlo.