3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Djbiomas

I suggest a player-wide poll on all major, game changing updates such as this. Since decisions like this can make or break a game, and as the players are the sole source of income for the game developers, so technically the game belongs to the players. This means our input should be the driving force for change or conservation of game mechanics. And so far the only way we can give our input is with long lists of unorganized forum posts. We should be able to vote on such changes, as this is a game which boasts heavy reliance on cooperation - that is often necessary - between players. If we had the ability to vote on changes the community would feel much closer to the game and its developers since we would have a more active roll in shaping this game. After all, a happy player is much more likely to spend money for the simple reason to support a game (s)he enjoys.

The game itself requires organized team effort. If we don't like the direction this game is heading in, we should use a similar technique of organized team effort to shape the game the way we like it. This will ultimately benefit all players as well as the game developers because people will be more willing to spend money and new players will find the game easier to stick to.

Portrait de Sirius-Voltbreaker

OOO needs to listen. ( By the way this should be on suggestions.)

Portrait de Thunder-The-Bright

gaming is kind a rental. the owner stays OOO, we are users.
as for game changing mechanics, lots of people out there want dual wield, while everyone who has played a lot knows that it's unbalanced. there are things that had better remain sealed in a pit. and that is why we must have someone to blame. ie, OOO.

Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager
We do ask for feedback on

We do ask for feedback on upcoming changes - that is why we release them on the preview server and have this section of the forums. Feel free to post your feedback and ideas in the correct feedback thread.