Hello there, everyone. My name is Sir-Greenlink, an Officer at the State Alchemists guild. My job is to turn you all into mindless zo... I mean tell you all about our guild. Who knows, maybe I might do something right and get you to join? That certainly would be surprising.
Welcome to the new State Alchemists recruitment thread. The State Alchemists is an old guild, that has been around since late 2011, and is looking for more active players to help with a revival. We are casual group of players and are willing to help (inside and out of the guild).
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Knights of any tier, gear, experience level, age or gender are welcome to join.
There are no joining requirements.
All we ask is that you treat others respectfully.
Donations are not mandatory but are always appreciated.
If you are not logged in for 30 days (without a reason, that is) we may remove you from the guild. You can ask to join again at any time, should this happen to you.
If you need help, just ask. Helping others is what we're all about. Please don't beg though.
The ranks Recruit, Member and Veteran correspond to tiers 1, 2 and 3 of missions. We will keep all new members at Recruit for a few days, regardless of their tier clearance, before moving them to the appropriate position.
The Officer and Guild Master ranks are for trusted members and helpful members of the guild. There is no specific way to earn them.
PvP isn't something that many of our members do often (I do it pretty much every day though) but we would happily do Guild vs Guild games if there was enough interest.
If you would like to join, either reply to this thread with your in-game name or send a private message to me (Sir-Greenlink). Feel free to ask any questions too.
Guild Masters
Thank you for taking the time to read this. We hope to see some new faces around soon. :)
This post is reserved for announcements.