Star Set Bonus

Hello! I really hope they see this topic, because I have this great idea!
Let's say they add a new stat tab saying BONUS, which will give you a HP bonus, or maybe attack/def bonus?
Well this is how it works:
If you have mail, helmet, shield, gun and sword, in star 3, You would get 3 bonus HP (an example).
I have all my items including gun, mail, helmet, sword, shield in star 5 now, and it would be great with this feature :)
To make it a bit more simple, helmet and armor could be the only requirments to get the bonus. Example: Mail star 4 and Helmet star 4 gives a BONUS of maybe 4+ HP?
This is just a suggestion, se let me know what you guys think :)
Set bonuses.. I am definitely opposed to costume bonuses. That doesn't really make sense at all. Regular armor set bonuses, I don't quite know. On one hand it would be kind of logical, since you have so many complete sets in the game already. On the other hand, it would very much discourage people to mix up different sets of armor. Going very non-specific and only minding the star rank is no good either. Way too broad on one hand, and too limiting on the other.
Costume bonuses are ridiculous. Set bonuses I can agree to.
Perhaps costume bonuses would be set to after acquiring an efficient amount of heat level. You know, like at Lv 5 the costume equipment gives a small boost in a stat.
Just a thought.
@Nooblar: The Jelly Gear set bonus doesn't need to be piercing resistance, especially if you are already quite resistant. While it seems logical to have just a stat bonus, in keeping with lore or whatever, the bonus for Jelly Gear could be something different and fun like
the ability to turn into a frakking Jelly Cube and use Jelly attacks.
This is a good place for devs to have some fun.
Another example: Full fire resist gear (for lack of the official name) could have something like a chance when the knight is hit to set the attackers on fire.
Edit: These are just guesses. Maybe fire on hit would be overpowered. The game isn't finished.
Okay, that's actually an option I didn't think of, and its not only reasonably drawn from jelly armor, but also useful, and also awesome. It might be possible to just tweek the color values on the existing art, and maybe enlarge it, to make a player cube distinct from a mob cube? It would make it a little odd compared to say, cobalt gear, which doesn't have an associated monster type.
Also for clarity sake, I didn't mean we *should* allow costume set bonuses, just that allowing them would allow bonuses to be both reasonable based on gear, and usefull to compliment the gear.
Usually you don't WANT to use all of the same set. If you use all drake gear, sure your fire, elemental and piercing resistances will be awesome, but a little swipe of an axe from a Gremlin and there goes half your health. But, if the set bonus give you something like a crazy bonus to sword damage, you'll have to consider choosing a piece that provides great normal resistance or getting that sweet sword bonus.

I like mix & match more than specific items, and the star system seems to be a good medium, roughly in between the two.
A slight variant on the idea: Rather than build the bonus into the items, why not build it into a trinket or a new slot, or something. But have multiple different items that trigger on the same requirement (So you could pick a +X HP item, or +Y gun damage, based how many 2-star items you've currently equipped, or parts of the Spiral set, etc). It'd mean only getting one type of bonus, but that bonus was slightly more flexible based on the exact same set.
I think a set bonus is a reasonable thing, but I feel like because of how it would most reasonable work, wouldn't be very useful. For starters, simply counting "3 star gear" as a set would be far too broad to warrant a reward. What would be more reasonable, is "jelly gear" giving a bonus. Logically, this would mean 'jelly gear' 'brute jelly gear' 'rock jelly gear' and 'royal jelly gear', each with their own set bonuses. Meaning a rock jelly plate, rock jelly shield and a royal jelly helm wouldn't give you a set bonus, or at least not as big of one as rock jelly plate, rock jelly shield, and rock jelly helm, as the second grouping matches in both equipment tree, and equipment level.
However, the only logical bonus for a set of jelly style equipment is a bonus to piercing damage. But with a full set of jelly gear, your piercing resistance is already much higher than you'll be able to use, given that your total elemental, shadow, (and normal?) resistance will likely be at zero, so monsters of that type will tear you apart. As it stands, you tend to get better results from from a mismatched gear set, allowing you to cover more damage types.
However, perhaps a compromise would be to allow set bonuses to apply, based on COSTUME gear. This means plate equipment can give me normal resistance, and jelly costume can give me a small boost to piercing.
Also, the wiki's pages on jelly gear seem outdated. I'll try to remember to gather the new info next time i'm on the game, but it stands to reason a large portion of lower level gear might still have old numbers, from when everything defended against everything, on their pages still.