When players spectate reconers, when the recon, the system just changes to a different knight as soon as they start the recon! You cannot see them attacking then, so please fix this problem. Thanks,
Lockdown spectating recon
They're invisible. It's kind of the point. D:
It's partly because spectators can whisper to other players. Not that most recons actually play strategically like this, but if a recon from Team1 was sneaking alone to Team2's base, a spectator following that recon would be able to whisper to someone in Team2 to tell them where the recon is, which would undo the whole intent of stealth.
This isn't much of a bug. You can't really spectate invisible knights since it would be unfair to watch them while their invisible.
This is to prevent players from chatting on teamspeak or something with a spectator to know exactly where invisible opponents are at all times.
It's surprisingly easy to observe footsteps when spectating as you don't need to focus on the character you're spectating, though. Regardless, you can't really give exact locations that fast, I dare say.
Exact location isn't as important as general direction. This is not a bug; it's a feature to prevent spying for the opposite team.
They cant whisper to other teams though! anyway, even strikers the same thing, spectators can say where they are also and if they are pros or not.
So what is the point alowing spectators to enable spectating reconers when you really can't spectate them?
Because other players in the game can see Strikers (and Guardians) anyway. Not Recons.
It's not a bug.
Do spectating do not allow to spectate reconers? It is unfair if so.
I mostly think it is a bug! They should fix!