To me and other slingers, guns are great. but to other people, guns = crap. they have rather low damage and there needs to be more different types and styles of guns.
- Guns that shoot lasers. done.
- Guns that are more original and less statically socially awkward. A launcher with slow charge would be fair. a rifle with exceptional distance would be phenomenal.
- Another gun would be a crossbow or a bow, which shoot status infecting effects. i mean, C'mon, who wouldn't want to shoot a wolf with a bow?!?!
its all about individuality. everyone wants a different style weapon than everyone else. what about in depth upgradable side equipment? like the nozzle/barrel, crank/hammer, and the body.
just a suggestion. i would like to hear other gunslingers and spirals to recommend what they would like to see.
its possible but you should remember it takes time for them to make (assuming they havent started at this point)
it would be nice to see a bazooka type that requires to be fully charged to fire (similar to how bombs work)
a snipe rifle type i nice too it would require charging like the bomb but you cant move beyond aiming but has an extra long range and power