4 more people are needed to start a guild im creating I just left my old one so currently guildless people (T2) friend justtype so we can create and discuss this upcoming guild. (the knights chosen must log on frequently. )
i need four
Tue, 07/30/2013 - 07:06
Tue, 07/30/2013 - 08:56
it stays
but it hasnt stated yet...
so there is no one to recruit.
Tue, 07/30/2013 - 11:06
Because that's basically Guild Recruitment isn't it?
And it doesn't belong with the art and literature and events in Treasure Vault.
I've been here awhile. If I thought it belonged, I wouldn't have said anything.... :)
Just trying to help you get better results, since none will be found in the Treasure Vault :)
Move this to Guild Recruitment.