Specially Shivermist and Ash, do they benefit from, let's say, very high damage vs undead UV?
Haze bomb family benefits from damage UVs?
the 5* haze family deals damage on blast? or only gives the status?
Every bomb but the Graviton bombs deal primary damage when they explode (for crystal bombs, the primary damage is the projectiles). The Graviton bombs deal primary damage after their suction event finishes. This primary damage is the only part that seems to be affected by UVs regardless of star value.
Only the initial blast causes damage, regardless of the star level of the bomb. The resulting mist causes the status effect.
Therefore, I assume that any damage UV will only apply to the inital explosion. However, the explosive area does appear to increase significantly once the bomb reaches the 5* level.
The shivermist explotion is not showing me any damage at all.
The elemental damage explosion of the bomb has a very small radius. You're not going to damage anything with it unless you place the bomb very close to the object. Radius of ele damage is about the width of one tile (you can test this by standing a tile away from a breakable block and placing the bomb down to see if you can hit the block with the blast explosion.
I have drawn a ring on this image w/ spike pit for size reference to give you an idea of the approximate blast radius at which the 5* haze bombs deal their elemental damage. As you can see it is quite small compared to the status mist radius.
Only on the initial blast. Apparently UVs do not affect the damage ticks for bombs that inflict status ailments. At least according to testing in another thread.