Increase size of hearts from heart spawners
I'd like to see the heart spawning tiles, such as in battle areas or clockwork terminals, either bumped up to large size hearts across the board, or scale in size so that the deeper you are, the larger the hearts they spawn. Logic behind the change is that larger hearts being spawned cuts down on how much time needs to be spent running back and forth, while smaller hearts don't make the game any more difficult, simply more time consuming.
This is especially the case for Firestorm Castles (or whichever their exact name is). A few times there's an area with 1 small hearts respawn tile, and for some reason the lowest version of an ice vile respawn tile. Recovering over 20 hearts per player in a party of 4 is very time-consuming. And I don't quite see the point of those vials :P they don't seem to increase in "tier" either with depth, so right now we get vials doing 20 damage to Fire Zombies at depth 25 lol
The firestorm citadel heart spawner are supposed to take "some edge off" instead of keeping you up to health.
Actually, that's not necessarily the case. Before the health update, those single hearts had a great deal more impact than they do now. You used to have about half of the maximum health, so I guess the ones in Firestorm could be changed to medium hearts.
The ones in arenas and terminals should definitely be big hearts, though.
>The firestorm citadel heart spawner are supposed to take "some edge off" instead of keeping you up to health.
As long as they can be used for gaining full health, they will; it's simply a matter of how annoying it is to do. There's no real reason to make it take so long. Of course, having infinite instant health during a cage fight would be silly and overpowered. So, solutions:
Leave the spawners in rooms as they are, so they are still for 'taking the edge off'. Before each room with a spawner, add another one that has big hearts that spawn fast. (Also let you pick the hearts up while standing on it, because having to run in circles all the time is annoying.) They could put a model around it and call it a "Spiral Regeneration Chamber" or something.
Also, put one of these before the gate on the Vanaduke level. (also arenas, terminals.)
Or: just make the one in the room spawn big hearts fast; add code to make it change back to spawning small hearts slow once the gates go up and the fight starts.
Agreed. The heart machines are almost always in a place where full healing can be performed at leisure, but they were not updated to reflect the new importance of health. (and the higher max HP possible)
I'd love to see this change, and it should be really simple to implement. No more waiting 5 min for everyone to finish running in circles!