For those of you fellow knights who have level 100 sprites, how do we obtain extra perks? I was told by Christdc that all you do is keep feeding it until you max out the heat bar as if leveling it again. I have however, tried this numerous times without any change whatsoever. I fed my sprite 4 divine stars to max out the heat bar and then gave it another star to 'level it up' but this did nothing for me, despite the star still being consumed. I then tried another 4 times, each time, feeding it 5* mats (the heat bar did not reset back to 0 despite the star/mat being consumed). So my question is, how exactly do you get more perks? if there was a 'chance' of not obtaining another perk, l would still doubt my luck is so bad that l've tried 5 times without obtaining another perk.
How do you obtain extra perks?

l have checked, christ did tell me that as well, so l counted the number of perks l had which weren't 5*. Counted them again after using the star/mat, number unchanged. As for the heat bar, yes it doesn't reset back to 0...for me...

something is wrong, call for support. I mean, contact support.

Yeah l've tried, no reply, dont think l'm getting one either lol.

Seem to be getting the same issue, the heat bar is maxed out and I can't "level" it to gain extra perks. I've tried using nothing but 5* mats and then nothing but Shadow Stars several times on full appetite but I don't seem to be obtaining anything new.

Christdc said he was able to get msi med after level 100 doing this. Maybe he was mistaken and already had it beforehand is what l think.

I can confirm that you get MSI Med prior to level 100 so I'm clueless. Unless the chances are super super slim.

Okay yeah never mind, I compared with another player and they are random. Some however I feel are dead certs like the 5* Healthy Boost, every player I've asked so far obtained that before 100.

Alright so this was the reply l got from's absolutely stupid.
Fayeth - Yesterday at 5:39am:
So i've got a sprite that's at level 100, l've been told that you get additional perks by continually feeding the sprite more mats and food as if leveling it to get the extra perks, but lve done so with no success, all the while my mats and food are still consumed in the process. I have tried to feed it 5-6 times now after maxing out the heat bar again (while the sprite is now level 100) and then feeding it 5* mats, but l see no change in perks.
Clotho - Yesterday at 10:11am:
That's correct, sprites will continue acquiring perks even after they've reached level 100, however, at this point we don't have additional information other than the details that Nick posted in the release notes and the forums.
We still don't have specifics on how many times you need to feed them after they've reached that level. That information will be added to the sprite pages in the wiki over time, as player's test these features and verify the way they are working.
I would recommend that you join the discussions about this release in the forums here:
and post about this. It's entirely possible that other players already have the answer to your question!

ok, continue feeding the sprite until you get perks (it's the hint in the message).
meanwhile, ask christdc if he had to feed the pet more than usual.

I agree with Qwote, also, Christdc said he hadn't fed it anymore then usual. I'm pretty sure he made a mistake and thought he got a perk but really didn't.

There may be an issue with feeding level 100 sprites. We are currently investigating it. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Will we get notified of when there is a solution/fix implemented here, or will we just have to wait for a random update notification ingame? Also will we get compensated for the materials/sprite food we've spent for nothing?

i know right i fed my pet like tons of flame souls already after level 100 .. xD
and i think i have 4 3* perks.. lol
have you checked the perks? I recollect christdc saying that there was no animationr or whatsoever.
does the bar reset or not?