Level 90 is really far away for me right now, but I still want to know, either from the testers or people that actually have the level 100 maskeraith: Which ultimates should I pick? I don't care about appearance.
Which ultimates should I pick for my maskeraith?

Virulent Quills: The AOE poison is nice to debuff groups of monsters and is most noticeable in arenas etc. Vengeful Quills would be better except for the fact that they fire to the next available target once you hit an enemy already hit with the initial quills. A bit confusing.
Deadly Shadow Cloak if you're a gunner/swordie, Vengeful Shadow Cloak if you're a bomber since the 2 second attack speed/damage buff doesn't help at all.
Chaotic Haze: In reality both Hexing Haze ultimates are pretty bad, but this is better because the damage from the vengeful ghosts are pitiful (on the test server they did the damage of a water orb in FSC) in exchange for knockback which isn't needed. Also, Chaotic Haze can inflict curse which is an awesome status. :D

How are vengeful quills confusing? You quill an enemy, they explode and then they fly to another enemy.
It's better than a chance of a tiny poison. Besides quills are designed for fewer strong targets. When fighting groups (arenas), you hex.

I have Vengeful Quills.
Basically, you shoot out yellow quills. When the yellow quills are broken by attacks, green quills instantly appear at a single enemy designated in some arbitrary manner. There's zero chance of this missing, since the quills just outright appear on the enemy. Thus, the extra quills can't be dodged or blocked by terrain or anything. If played correctly, you can effectively double your damage output with the quills.
I've asked around about some of the other abilities, and talked to a guy who had all of them:
The virulent quills do not add any extra damage or anything. You pretty much just want to use them to spread poison through out a tightly clustered group.
When I asked my informant about the ultimate abilities, he basically just told me "Vengeful Quills, Deadly Cloak, Chaotic Haze. Pick those." He had tried them all, so I'm sure he knows what he's talking about. Deadly Cloak gives a damage bonus upon decloaking. I know this is what most people want out of the cloak, because I see a lot of people whining that it doesn't do as such in the first place. The Vengeful Cloak explosion is not there for damage, but rather is used to stun enemies surrounding you when you decloak. I intend to pick Vengeful Cloak to optimize my shardbombing. The Deadly Cloak buff probably disappers before my first shard ring even goes off. -_-
The Haunted Haze is uh. I've heard horror stories of the ghosts doing single-target damage. In addition, they'll only spawn if the enemies die from an explosion from the hexing haze, so it sounds tricky to use. The payoff is that the ghosts supposedly have the power to knock down zombies. Still, being able to just spread statuses around sounds like the better deal to me.
I intend to get Haunted Haze and reserach its possibilites in the spirit of Shard Squad.

I have discovered that vengeful quills are currently a downgrade. Do not pick them.

Sorry for the necro, but have vengeful quills been fixed or whatever yet? I was thinking that the "homing" would be more useful than the little explosions of virulent, although I haven't seen either used yet.
I'm not so sure about Deadly Cloak being the only one a bomber should choose. I mean, it's only a chance of stun I think on Vengeful Cloak, and you could just start charging where there isn't an enemy right next to you. I read about a guy saying to drop a few DRs, then cloak to get 50% more damage on them. The attack bonus after appearing would also be useful for sneaking up on turrets and taking them out, which are often a bomber's bane. (Though not for Zeddy LOL, I've seen his vid on doing a turret danger room with only bombs.)

Hi can i know for Deadly Shadow Cloak dmg buff, how many % is the dmg buff and does it work if i already have dmg max from UV? Also does shield charging break cloak?

but I do know that the ASI and dmg boost it gives you will go over max. Shielding during cloak will not break it, but the momen you let go of the shield and start charging your weapon will de-cloak you.

Current estimates for Deadly Cloak's buff range it somewhere around "ridiculously, stupidly huge". At the very least the equivalent of a damage max.
The total goes far past max.

Wow at least damage max. Then does charging before cloaking still works now?
Also, a side question does the battle sprite perks goes over UV max too ?

If it is me the best option is to choose drakon.Drakon is for those knights who like to attack and burns stuff furiously.team seraphynx is for those knights that like to heal.team maskeraith is for defensive types.i would suggest you to choose drakon out of those 3 battle sprites.
Well good luck on you guys.

Drakon is not one of the choices for Maskeraith ultimate skills, which is what this thread is about.

Nope, sprite perks work like other bonuses.
You also can't charge while cloaked, but you can either unleash a charge right after uncloaking if you have enough CTR, or plant your charge before cloaking if the damage is delayed.

Thanks everyone that had answered. Guess hard to use the dmg bonus with blitz charge.

I've used a cloaked charge many times in vans. What tends to happen is that I would see the shots come out with the damage bonus, then what seemed to be another round of normal, no damage bonus charge hits. Keep in mind I have maxed ctr doing this.

the additional damage from deadly cloak is fixed damage (not based on percentage). It's somewhere around +170 damage on charge at depth 24+. Iirc, 170+ applies on both zombies (neutral against blitz needle) and trojan (weak against blitz needle). On vana it's from 289 to 464 damage... Deadly Cloak + Blitz charge is still possible. I use it a lot to one shot dreadnaught, and black kats in full party member with elite difficulty. So go figure how op it is >_>
However, quills optimized damage (with all quils apply damage) wouldn't be far away from buffed blitz needle charge. It's around 20 quills, and the damage per quill is around 140. Harder to setup but shorter cool down.
Imo, I completely agree with Kimahsonite for ultimates. Virulent, Deadly and Chaotic.
I tried both version of ultimates, and reset two times. I may add that poison explosion from virulent seems does another damage.
I tried virulent and vengeful on oilers followed by regular blitz needle combo (normal combo not charge), oilers always die at virulent, somewhat/sometimes at vengeful.
Even haunted damage get fixed... it's still hard to execute except dev could make some changes.
Check the announcement forums and find the Sprite Ultimate thread. It should give you a good idea on which ones you want.