Debit Support
I've made myself a PayPal account for this and another online MMO, because 1) this game doesn't have anything like cash cards, and 2) I don't feel like walking through thirty minutes of freezing cold for cash cards for the other one. Imagine my frustration when it takes 3 days for PayPal to verify my bank account, and another 8 to get the $50 to buy energy with. So I finally got it today...
...And PayPal tells me it will take another 10 days to complete the payment.
I'm sorry, Three Rings, but I have to protest. Spiral Knights is a game where if you need energy, you need it right away. I have to wait almost three weeks for mine, just to pay off all the energy I owe other people because I haven't had any myself.
Frankly, I feel insulted that Three Rings only has Credit Card support. What about us less-fortunate people who only have debit accounts? I'm getting tired of waiting. Please, add support for debit transactions.
>"You can purchase energy with cash (USD only)"
...Did I mention I live in Canada?

I live in Australia, it takes 3.1415 lightyears to get my Energy.
Can't you use your debit card for online transactions of it has the Visa/Mastercard/Othersupportedstuff logo?
I mean, did you try it and your card bounced?

Can your debit card not run as credit? You can also attach your debit card to your paypal and it'll instantaneously take funds from the card rather than having to do bank account withdrawals (or at least, that's the way mine works)...then you can pay via paypal and just set your paypal setting to take it from the debit card.
You can probably do a currency exchange at your bank without much problem, depending on how close you are to the border.
Edit: First part 10 minutes? I need to pay more attention...
my debit card works fine, it has a visa logo and doesn't afraid of anything
I use a bank that doesn't have that kind of support for Debit cards. It can't be taken as credit.
The "Charge from Debit Card via PayPal" option might be possible though... but I don't know how to set it up. Where on the site do I find that? I'm only finding things about "Virtual" Debit Cards which aren't an option for me.

Just to add some comments to these problems.
- If your debit card is also a VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card then you should be able to use them as a credit card as well.
- Prepaid cards of the ones listed above is often a popular option for those who don't have access to other payment options, these cards can be found in many stores around, just make sure they can be used on the internet which should be listed on them.
- PayPal with funding from a bank account (called eCheck) will take some days to complete because the bank needs to clear that payment first. You should be able to set your PayPal account up to funding it via funds already on the PayPal account, or via a credit card or other option that are instant. You may need to contact PayPal for more info on how to do this.
- Check or Money Orders can be sent from anywhere in the world, just make sure they're made out in US Dollars which banks, post offices and many other places should be able to do, you would pay in your local currency for this of course.
For more info on this see our Wiki billing section
If you want to ask questions about this and prefer not to do this over the public forum then please contact us via .
Three Rings cards do exist and I know they're sold at Target (not sure where else), but they don't include Spiral Knights yet. Once the game is released, I imagine SK will be included.
In the meantime, check out the official wiki page on billing inquiries. There are other payment methods available for people who don't own credit cards. You can purchase energy with cash (USD only), money order, or check. There's also something called PaidByCash, but I'm not entirely sure what that is.