Some of you may already know this by reading the Guild's name but just to clarify, we are an Indonesian guild. This is the fourth Indonesian Guild of ours after the first three had fallen apart. Those three were Ikan Bakar Cianjur, Indo, and Pluto Relinquish. And now we are starting a brand new guild (Again). Why did those other guilds fell apart you may ask. Well Ikan Bakar Cianjur didn't actually fell apart we just thought we needed a better name so we all moved to Indo. Indo fell apart due to inactive members and with only a few active members and a fairly high upkeep everyone left. With the few Officers and Guild masters of Indo spread out everywhere. Pluto-The-First and Mk-Xf with high hopes created Pluto Relinquish with the dream of reuniting the Active members of Indo. That plan fell apart as well. So for a good month or two everyone was just nowhere to be seen. Until a few weeks ago with even bigger ambitions Pluto-The-First created Indomie Goreng, and this time the plan is actually working out. So now we are recruiting new members and looking for old long lost members.
As stated before we are an Indonesian Guild which means we are looking for Indonesian members. And that is the main requirement for any of you who are interested to join the guild. another thing we are looking for in all of our members is maturity. Not mature as in age but mature as in your behavior. So now we'll talk about some rank/gear requirements. there are NONE. we are recruiting anyone from squire to Vanguard. the mission of this Guild is to Unite a large group of gamer from one country and to become a friendly and helpful community filled with people who are willing to help each other.
Your rank within a guild is decided by yours truly me and of course Pluto-The-First. at your first day you'll be a recruit because everyone has to start from the bottom. how you go up in ranks is judged by how you behave, how active you are, and your gear. gear is measured only for Veterans.
About being an Officer or Guild master. Officer is only for those who can be truly entrusted with the responsibility to handle the guild, meaning only people who has been in the guild for a respectably long time.
the rank of a Guild master is reserved only for old members of the guild dating to several years ago.
Currently the guild has no upkeep because we are relatively still new and we haven't actually added anything in to the guild hall. So anything about the upkeep is still not available.
If you are Interested in joining the guild please PM or send a mail to either me "Mk-Xf" or "Pluto-The-First"