What game are you planning on playing now? If you don't have one, Bloodline Champions is a great PvP action game that's free to play. I enjoy it greatly and you can shoot me a PM in game if you need help with anything.
In game name is Crashbolt.
Question for people leaving the game
I'm probably going to boycott the game and head over to Champions Online or Terraria.
I'll also use my tremendous amount of youtube fame to spread the word about what Nick and Three Rings have done to their own game. Maybe get more boycotters, and HOPEFULLY they'll realize just how bad they screwed up and roll this bad patch back.
Other games I may play:
League of Legends is free as well. It's a bit tough to get into, but it's fun.
Bloodlines champions is a good idea.
I'll also be playing a lot of SMAC, GalCiv II, Civ IV, and MvC3.
I played Terraria for the last two days and only logged in to do one jelly king run and to craft stuff so yeah.

Time for good ol League of legends.
Singed ftw!
rammus>singed...make my entire team 2-4 levels higher than the other due to constant ganks, yes please:)
I'll join your boycott. It's just disgusting how they're treating us, like we're not human or something. What's your youtube?
I'm usually a board gamer... my reflexes are shot, although that tends to be alright in rogue-likes, where wits can replace reflex a lot of the time.
I recently found the old Warcraft: The Board Game, original and expansion, and have been playing around with those. I want to write an article about how far Fantasy Flight Games has come along, and it's so clearly illustrated in the now defunct Warcraft line. Looking at how they've been nursing their own fantasy property, Terrinoth (the world of Runebound and related games), would be a good overview, too; gone are the days when they needed to find a game to reuse their leftover art from Vortex.
Of late my Lonely Gamer section has focused on their brand new Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, which has been surprisingly good and fulfilling in a weird Spiral Knights kind of way, despite only being a card game. I'll have to write about that too.
Ajericho, what roguelikes are you playing? I don't know any that aren't turn based, so reflexes wouldn't really matter for 'em.

I just got a copy of Amnesia for free on OnLive, so I'm playing that. I also have Bloodline Champions and League of Legends installed, which are good standbys. I play Cosmic Break a little to keep in touch with old friends, but that game has a pricing system waaaay worse than Spiral Knights even after what they've just done, so I can't recommend it. I used to play Black Prophecy and Dungeon Fighter Online, but as of late that is not quite the case, despite both being installed. Finally, there's Global Agenda and Need For Speed: World, which I downloaded but have yet to play.
All of these are free, mind you.
Isn't this more fitting for Gremlin Chatter?
Milski, right now my favorite's got to be Crawl. It's turn-based, but for Nethack aficionados, it's an up-to-date Nethack with truly randomized generated levels, tons of classes and weapons and items and combos thereof to explore, definitely a better magic system with more branching, and devs who are up-to-date and care about the playerbase.
I'm no longer so hard-core text-based, I actually use the tileset version, which is pretty decent. I love that game...
Hm. You're probably right about that. If a mod could move this, that would be great.
I loved the hell out of Cosmic Break till I got tired of getting beat down in PvP by cash bots no matter what I did. My man. :D
But as for the rest of the thread, I'm gonna rage on Bad Company 2 with the same bro I played this with, play Dragonica with my girlfriend, watch my animus with said girlfriend, and work out.
EDIT: I forgot Yume Nikki, but it made me cry.
EDIT EDIT: Evidently it's called Dragon Saga now, but whatever.
You can move your own posts. Edit, and choose a new subforum in the drop-down.
there is rumble fighter if you want a high skill game that lets you have hands on control of fighting action
it is a pvp
although it does have a "CE" type thing called "astros"
Well, I was trying to convince my friends playing Mythos to drop it and join SK.
With this patch I may do the contrary.
EDIT: I realized that would be dumb, as I already enjoy the game in my 4-5* set (though I enjoyed crafting too, now pointless). I spent my cr reserves and bought enough CE to finish my 5* set. I will just not buy anymore CE, and stay in a single set, instead of getting people to craft me other stuff...
Bloodline Champions is kinda fail. The game play is fine, just the lack of champions and the required blood coin (same high ass price) just to unlock ONE champion is annoying as hell (talk about grind). The only decent way is to unlock achievements but those run out and...then GRIND starts. Leagues of Legends did a better job with their lower price champions even at release (price range from 500-6k ip but of course now their just as greedy).
Yea, I play it. I just don't recommend it unless you want a few quick games and out of there.
I'm going to be playing Dungeon Fighter Online for a bit, though that probably won't last me long. After that, I'm not sure. Might look into buying a new console game in hopes it lasts a while. I've had a few people recommend Demon's Souls to me quite highly, might look into that. Maybe see what's new in the Shin Megami Tensei series--I know I missed Raidou Kuzunoha 2, might see if that was any good.
The game is in serious need of new players, although I must admit the grind is probably one of the worst I've ever seen (it has shown signs of improvement, admittedly). On the other hand, the game is the best CCG I've ever played, especially online.
This is my first MMO game. I've looked at other games but I don't have an uber powerful computer so I can't play most of them. I searching for something similar to this game and doesn't require high specs to play. Indifferent whether it's F2P or P2P. Any suggestions?
I'm taking a serious look at Terraria, it looks so much better then Minecraft IMHO and has RPG elements in it.
Only few games really make me happy..But i got nothing in my head now..
But i always check Youtube and Facebook for new games of this year..
Im tired of Click and point games..
Most my favorite games are ruined by stupid updates..
If someone find a game similiar to Spiral Knight..just tell me.
Can I have your stuff before you take it with you to the grave? :D
I logged about 60 hrs into Terraria waiting for new content now, besides that been playing Eden Eternal though it's only in CB so haven't invested too much time into it but come OB I'll probably be playing it quite often.
Honestly, if I did stop playing, I'd go back to my old rotation; Nexus: TJI, Homeworld, SotS, Project Reality, Tales of Symphonia, and Ace Combat 6.
Just thinking about Nexus gets me drooling. **** that game was good.
If any of you who posted near the top of this thread are still around, what was the problem with the patch that caused you to want to leave or to think Three Rings doesn't care about its players?
Back to old faithful Quake and StarCraft.